Chapter 13-Family Night (Sixx & his Kitten) (Nikki Sixx POV)

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A/N: Officially longest chapter EVER! I am so excited for it, hope you guys enjoy! Don't know if they will always be this long with out author's notes....but on with the show!

It's Monday, FINALLY and I am on my way to Eric's house currently. I am exhausted.... nah it's not jet lag, believe me I've traveled the world for several years at this point and I do mean years. Jet lag, well I'm used to that. No, I'm exhausted because I just haven't been able to sleep period.... Sure, I've missed Frankie, God I've missed my little girl! It's the fact that now that I realize what Eric means to me and how very much, I love him.... all I've done when I've slept with what little I've been able to get is dream about him. There's so very much I want to say to him, so much.

Plus, I believe its also the fact that I want or have wanted nothing more than to hold Eric in my arms, tell him I love him and never EVER let go. Frankie, my precious daughter.... she helped me to see...The fluttering sensation in my chest, the fact that I've never been so happy as I have been these past two months and that my feelings are in fact love and that even without words.... the feelings between Eric & I are mutual.

Before I know it, Eric's house comes into heart is racing...I park quickly and make my way to the door which is open...I'd received a text more like a letter (not that I cared in the least at the size of it) from Eric earlier saying:

Eric Singer aka Kitty: Hey Nikki! We've had a great weekend, Frankie & I. I know I've mentioned some or talked about what we've done or whatever, but I can't wait to tell you in person. Frankie says she can't wait to tell you either...we've really missed you! I've missed you...there's so much I want to say to you in person...true we can say it without words, can feel it without words, but can't deny we want to hear them. However, I'd wait a lifetime to hear them if I had to...I wont push you, that's not my way. Take all the time you need.... anyway, the door will be open when you get here. It's always open for you...but take care & look forward to seeing you!

I enter Eric's house my bags in tow and hear laughter. My Frankie's adorable giggles and Eric's deeper but warm laugh. I enter the living room and immediately upon being spotted, I drop my bags and watch as Eric's eyes light up making them an even more clear blue and Frankie launches herself at me, Eric content to hang back and let Frankie & I have our moment...

"Daddy!!! You back! I've missed you! Mamma take reawy good care of me! I wuv him and ooh, see my new kitty...I named it Ocean. It has Mommy's eyes!"

"So, I see, it does have Eric's eyes...incredibly beautiful. I'm glad that momma took such good care of you!", I note Eric's blush at my calling his eyes beautiful though it's absolutely true and I note the fact that Frankie called Eric 'mama' & 'mommy', if that doesn't speak volumes to me. I know my daughter, if she says such a thing, she for sure means it. Also, it clearly says that Eric treats her as his own, already....and will keep treating her as such. I see it all now....

"Daddy should totally hug mama now!", Frankie beams at me then glances at Eric who blushes.

"Allright, allright Frankie!", I laugh. Eric gets up from the couch and we come together in an embrace that gets me misty eyed and I sniff. God, I don't want to let go...Finally we pull apart and Eric smiles at me, before frowning....

"Nikki, you, ok? You look like your gonna cry...I didn't do anything wrong did I? And geez you look exhausted! You sleep at all this weekend?", Eric looks so concerned....

"God no, you haven't done anything wrong! You could never do anything wrong...I'm so sorry for making you feel like that. Its just that....", I trail off...Eric seems to understand but I drop my gaze until I feel him hook a finger under my chin making me meet his gaze and my breath hitches....

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now