Chapter 26- First Doctor's Appointment (Eric Singer- Sixx POV)

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A/N: Warning-This will get emotional!

I wake up groggily, my husband is still asleep.... I just can't get over how peaceful he looks. That gravity defying raven hair falling over his eyes, sticking up in all directions. Nikki is just simply beautiful, tattoos and all.... right now, to me he looks so very angelic. Nikki is an angel to me: MY angel. I reach out to touch his face, gently slowly...he doesn't wake though there looks to be a hint of a smile on his face, as if he knows I'm touching him. I withdraw my hand and sigh quietly and glancing at my watch...Shit! It's only 4 am?!

I groan quietly and whimper as I bring a hand down to my swollen belly. Oh, my babies! I hope all three of you are ok.... I'm so very worried that I'm doing something wrong. It's been going on for three months and things haven't gotten any better. Still extremely ill often, passing out, dizzy spells, the fact that Nikki and I seem to argue more.... which the arguments are about how scared we both are and all. He's just trying to look out for me.... that's what I'm telling myself. Right now, I just want to sleep!! Nikki has already lost enough sleep because of me, Frankie's worried and scared too.... But the 3 little babies inside me, all I'm going thru makes it more than worth it, I love them dearly already.

Suddenly I start getting dizzy and the room starts rocking.... i groan quietly as I can and close my eyes hoping it will pass so I can sleep. I just want to get out of here, maybe give my poor husband a break and sleep elsewhere...but I can't. Nikki would freak out, but I don't know what to do! Nikki's got me set up with a doctor's appointment to check on the triplets and get me some help and thankfully its in the afternoon, which I guess is later today. Nikki wants me to rest as much as possible...I'm trying...God I'm trying so hard....and fuck! I'm starting to feel nauseous! My eyes are still closed and I breath in and out deeply and the dizziness passes, but the nausea remains...I could use some more peppermint tea.... I don't want Nikki to worry or wake him...maybe if I sneak downstairs carefully?

Ok Eric.... you can do this! Carefully and silently I silently slide out of bed glancing constantly at my husband, with my hands on my baby bump and every little sound I make is echoing in my ears like a scream as I reach out and put my hands on the doorknob and start to open it.... nervously I glance at the bed, Nikki is still asleep but stirs slightly as if restless. And so, I open the door a little more and I literally have one foot out the door when I hear Nikki's voice croak out...

"Eric? Kitten, where are you going? Come back to bed, love."

"Um, I was thirsty? I can't sleep...Nikki go back to bed...please. I can get myself something.", I protest and rather unconvincingly even to my own ears. Nikki now much more awake gets out of bed and quietly steers me back to bed and tucks me back under the covers despite my protests.

"Nikki, I didn't want to disturb's already the second time tonight. You need sleep too! Please let me do this!"

Nikki sits down on the bed and takes cradles my face gently, "Eric I know somethings bothering you, many things...and god you look pale.... wait.... you had a dizzy spell, didn't you? I'm your husband, let me take care of you.... now stay here & I'll get you some peppermint tea...and Eric remember your not doing anything wrong, you're not a burden and yes, we are going thru so much as a whole, but I promise you...we can do this. And if your losing sleep so will I."

Nikki kisses me and I know he tastes my tears and before long he's back with my tea which is cooled, and I drink it greedily and finally the nausea goes away, and we both go back to sleep.

Waking up later in the morning I find myself alone in bed and it's 10 am?! I still feel tired, but luckily not like I'm going to get sick, finally Nikki enters the room with a tray of food and our daughter Frankie in tow.

"Momma, I helped daddy make you breakfast you could eat! There's peppy-mint tea, ginger, water...toasts, eggs...", Frankie enthuses.

"Surprise Kitten! Here let me help you eat and stuff." Nikki exclaims eyes soft. Frankie carefully crawls up on the bed and cuddles up to one side of me and Nikki on the other. I start to dig into the food and the teas, and I start feeling like I'm gonna get sick again, but I manage to keep everything down...for now. And slowly my nausea goes away.... hours pass by and I find myself in the doctor's office up on an exam table with my husband and daughter waiting for the doctor to arrive, I am not going to lie.... I'm scared....and my eyes widen as I start to feel.... FUCK! Thankfully, Nikki notices I'm about to get sick and passes me a waste basket as I get sick.... there goes breakfast.

"N-Nikki...s-sorry! I'm scared.... the babies...the babies....", I wail as my husband stands up and takes me in his arms and I see Frankie sniffling...oh my poor baby!

"Shh, kitten.... they will be will too...I promise. Now we will finally get to hear the heartbeats, I Know I'm excited to hear them!", Nikki sounds scared, yet his tone does contain some happiness, but I detect mainly: Fear.

"Momma, be, ok? Here...take Ocean....", Frankie hands me her beloved stuffed cat and I blink away tears. Soon the doctor arrives and looks solemn.... that's not a good sign, but the ultra-sound machine is pulled out and I lay back and expose my swollen belly as the gel is applied. Please let them be ok!! That's my main concern!

"Well Mr. Sixx, from what we can tell...the babies are healthy, but a little bit underweight or not quite on target for how far along you are.... your symptoms have been so severe, but I believe your babies will be fine..."

Nothing more is said, but my heart still drops as I hear that things aren't quite as they should be...but the babies are healthy otherwise. The doctor moves the wand around and we all hear one after the other, three little heartbeats and they thankfully sound strong and oh they are the best sounds in the world!! I'm crying and Nikki gently squeezing my hand is crying as well...they're ok.... thank god they are ok! I'm still very worried though...

The gel is wiped off my stomach and Nikki pulls my shirt back down and the doctor once more has a solemn expression....

"Eric, I hate to tell you and your husband this.... but we'd like immediately to put you in the hospital in the very least for a week, which will involve fluids and a feeding you will be able to talk with said tube, also the babies will be monitored as well. We need to try and get your babies and your nutrients and see if you can keep anything down. Be advised if after said time things don't improve within a certain amount of may very well require a much longer stay in the hospital, but in any case, I do believe your babies, all three will be ok."

"No...not...not the hospital.... N-Nikki.... I—I...oh god!", I wail clinging to my husband, tears streaming down my face.

"I know Eric, I know.... for your sake and our babies, we need to do this...I know it's scary, I'm petrified but I'm here for you, we all & Frankie. We love you so very much.", Nikki sobs out burying his face in my hair as I feel our daughter Frankie climb up on the exam table and cuddling into me as best, she can...the three of us holding each other for a bit. 

A/N: Sadly, this won't be Eric's last hospital stint....but I can promise the triplets will be ok! and things will work out in time! I can't wait to hear thoughts on this!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now