Chapter 38- Dude it's a baby shower & News (Tommy Lee-Thayer POV)

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I told my husband I wanted to take a nap; I just feel SO tired. This really isn't like me, for the past month I've been feeling strange. I've gotten quiet, I know me quiet? I give Eric a run for his money normally. I've been moodier and I've been feeling nauseous, and I am just now starting to notice. TC has been so worried; I wonder if this finally means what I hope it means? Currently, I find myself in our bathroom on the cold floor and have spent the past few minutes throwing up.

My husband is downstairs, he didn't want to disturb me but told me to let him know if I needed anything. Thankfully although I feel nauseous, I don't think I'm going to barf anymore, so there's that. I lean back against the wall and close my eyes.... I haven't even gotten to a nap yet because I've been getting sick. I just don't want to move....

Next thing I know, I think I dozed off for a minute is the sound of our bedroom door opening making my heartbeat rapidly. Breathe, I tell myself...Breath.

"Lee? Are you ok? I came to check on you. I shouldn't have let you be alone baby.", TC calls out concerned.

"In here!" I manage to croak out, nausea resuming once more. I really don't want to get sick again.

"Lee, god look terrible! So pale." Quickly my husband is at my side down on the floor and takes me in his arms.

I sigh, "I got sick. I was going to lay down...but babe I feel like shit. I think—" My husband cuts me off.

"I think that Lee, maybe we should get a pregnancy test. I can't believe I haven't thought of this before now." My husband says slowly but I can tell he's excited at the possibility. I am too, but don't want to get my hopes up.

"Babe, I don't want to get my hopes up, OUR hopes up...I'm just...well I've wanted to start a family so bad.", I whisper.

"Look at me Lee...", I look up at my husband whose eyes are shiny with tears, "It's ok. It will be ok. If you are that's wonderful and amazing if not, my love that's not why we fell in love, that's not why I married you. It will happen I promise you, ok? Now, if you think you'll be ok...I will run to the store  really quick and bring you something to soothe your stomach before I go. I love you."

"I love you too.", What my husband just said...therefore he's perfect for me, he makes me see reason and keeps me balanced. I'm helped off the floor, mouth cleaned out and put under the covers. My husband brings me some sweet tea and kisses me and tells me he loves me and then he's gone. I drift off after I finish my tea....

Next thing I know, I am waking up to the sound of our bedroom door opening and my husband is back. "Did you have a nice nap? I hope it helped, you look like you have a little more color in your face, so that's good. I brought the tests."

"Yeah, I feel better, I want to do this...but I'm so scared." I say as I get out of bed and my husband follows me into the bathroom.

"I know you are it will be ok." Nothing more is said as I read the instructions on the tests he brought and there are several and then proceed to take them and wait for the required amount of time on them all. My nerves are everywhere.... I just want this so bad! I want to give my husband children.

Finally, it's time, "I can't look...please baby you do it." TC does so and reads each one, tears in his eyes and I start to think the worst, but then I see him smile.

"Well five tests, all positive. Lee, your pregnant! We're going to have a baby! I told you my love, I told you it would happen!", TC hugs me and I cry, but only happy tears. Together we bring our hands to rest over my belly and feel the faintest hint of roundness. This is real!

An appointment is made for the next day and we find out that I'm 7 weeks pregnant, so there's even more confirmation, but what really drove it home was seeing the first picture of mine and my husband's baby on the ultra-sound, and thankfully everything looked healthy. Wait till we tell the guys!

After the appointment my husband and I went home and celebrated, i.e., made love and now here we are at the baby shower we all went in on for Nikki & Eric.

Nikki and Eric are surrounded by mountains, and I do mean mountains of baby gifts. And they are having 3 girls & a boy! I mean, how cool is that? Not to mention adorable! Looking at them and seeing the loving looks they are giving each other. God, I have never seen the Sixxter this happy, ever. Him and Eric are so in love, just like my husband & I. Eric's really had a rough five months of his pregnancy. Both have confided in my husband and I that, the doctor has decided for Eric's sake and the do a C-section and take them out in two months, since Eric is such a high-risk pregnancy. Despite all that, Eric looks so happy. Nikki and him both do.

"Terror quadruplets? Really Lee?", Nikki holds up a couple of onesies done in shades of pink, purple and blue. Eric has a brow raised in amusement, hands on his very well swollen belly.

"Yeah dude, double the terror twins!", I have a shit-eating grin on my face and Nikki rolls his eyes. More gifts are opened and once more I find myself getting nervous and my husband notices my state and leans in and whispers to me...

"Babe? We should tell them. You look like your about to have a panic attack."

"I don't want to steal their thunder TC; I mean it's their baby shower. Their big day.", I whisper as the guys all admire the baby gifts. Frankie too is here of course and is beaming.

"Lee don't worry. They will be happy.... let's tell them. Ok?" I nod and my husband clears his throat loudly gathering everyone's attention and I fidget under their gazes. "Nikki, Eric I know this is a big day for you guys and Lee and I didn't want to steal your thunder, but we have some news for everyone.... Lee & I are having a baby, he's 7 weeks pregnant with our first child."

Cheers and congratulations sound out, and I bask in the love of my friends, my family and especially my husband. I feel him bring a hand to my belly and I join him as we feel where our child is growing. Finally, we will be a family of 3. I am so happy!


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