Chapter 23-You're Going to be a Big Sister (Frankie POV)

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A/N: Here it is chapter 23! Oh I do so hope you like it!!

I am staying with my Uncle Tommy's; Daddy went with Momma to the hospital place.... It's where Uncle TC says they help sick or hurt people. I scared! They just left and I don't know what's going on! I know daddy got scared when Momma fell into his arms.... Momma looked like he really no feel good., like he so tired and like he gets sicky. I can't go night-night yet...

I hear voices of my uncles' and I cry because Momma could be hurt, sicky and Daddy looked scared, I should have given Momma Ocean...looky like he needed it more than me.

"Shh, will be ok! I promise...I", Uncle Lee holds me, and Uncle TC joins him in trying to make me feel better, it no work.... I cry harder.

"B-But Momma hurt! He no feel good! Daddy scared.... I scared.... I just want them to be ok! I want Momma to be better...I should be at hospital place!"

"Frankie, sweetheart I know...I know. Eric will be ok.... they'll figure out what's wrong. It's better for you to be here, oh sweetie I know you want to be with them...and yes, your daddy is scared, and I know you it's late... sweetheart you should try & go back to bed. Promise we will let you know when they get back ok? Give them time, they will be back, ok?", Uncle TC says.

"Ok...t-tuck me in, pwease? Both of you", I sniffle clutching Ocean tightly.

"Of course, we will & your kitty!", Uncle Lee smiles at me but I see he still look worried...I Sigh. Uncle Lee scoops me up & puts me & Ocean in bed, tucking us in. I wish it were Momma and daddy.... I wish Momma sing, 'Beth'.... I snug though, still I sniffle on....

"Here, here's a tissue for you to dry your tears and blow your nose.", Uncle TC hands me tissue & I blow nose and wipe away tears...Why it tastes salty when you cry?

"Night-Night...I try go sleepy sure Momma be, ok?", I ask.

"He will, Nikki too.... please try & sleep honey, ok?", Uncle Lee kisses me on the forehead and so does Uncle TC...I love them both!

I turn over and close my eyes, but I no sleep...I hear My Uncle Tommy's talking about Momma & Daddy......

I wake up next morning or is its same morning, oh well. My Uncle's are asleep, they look so cute together! But I immediately don't see Momma or Daddy...I frown. Oh, maybe they are back & sleeping...maybe Momma trying to rest!

Quietly I sneak out of bed & go potty, wash my hands, and brush my teeth. I sneak out of bathroom.... Uncle Tommy's still sleepy...ugh! I crawl back into bed, clutching Ocean & wait....

Turns out I don't have to wait long & they both wake up at the same time...which I think is funny! They see me watching them & I they go potty & stuff.... when they done a phone ring....

"Nikki? Yeah, she's awake.... How's Eric? does he feel up to coming? Or you know what we'll bring Frankie to you guys....", Uncle Lee hangs up and turns to Uncle TC.... "They both want her to come to their room, Nikki hung up because Eric got sick.... but he says that he wants to see her & tell her something...".

"Are they sure he's up for that? Oh, I'll text Paul & Gene...let them know...", Uncle TC says as he starts typing away. Before I know it, we at daddy & momma's room...our room & Daddy lets us in.... Daddy looks so tired and worried but happy to see me.

"Hey Frankie, Momma's in bed now.... come in...we have something to tell you."

"Is it about why Momma sick? What about Uncle Lee & TC?", I look up at daddy. Daddy sighs, but manages a little smile...

"Yes, it is, and they should come in too.... find a seat guys.... And Frankie, don't jump on Momma or anything, be careful.", Daddy says sternly. I nod, I understand...I no want hurt Momma.

Momma looks so tired, like he need more sleepy time, but his eyes light up upon seeing me...he also still looks like he feels bad.... I carefully crawl up on the bed and cuddle up to him and daddy joins us putting his arms around us carefully.

"Hi, Frankie Angel...I missed you! I know it was scary last night...and I know your worried about me...but we found out what's making me so sick, and I promise it will be ok, sweetheart...." Momma shares a look with daddy.

"Frankie, would you feel about being a big sister? I-," I interrupt daddy excited and Momma just chuckles.

"You mean mommy have baby?! I be big sister, that's so cool!"

"Well Frankie Angel, I know you will be a wonderful big sister.... but there are three babies in my tummy right now, so triplets.", Momma smiles softly at me & share's a kiss with daddy....

I that the right word? But so happy! I just wish Momma would feel better, momma been so sick. "3 babies?! It like Christmas!! I promise I be good sister to the babies! Ooh, Can I see?"

"Frankie, that means so much to your mother & I you are so happy.... its why Momma's been so ill won't go away for a while, but it will be ok.... You can't see them yet silly!", Daddy chuckles.

"I mean see momma's tummy! Can I talk to babies & give kisses? I be careful.", I plead giving what Momma calls my puppy dog eyes, whatever that means. Both nod and carefully Daddy pull back the covers & lift Mommy's t-shirt and I see it...

Mommy's tummy already looky round because there are 3 babies in there. Slowly I reach out & touch momma's belly and rub it carefully....

"Hi there! I be your big sister Frankie! There 3 of you, that's cool! I hope at least one of you is a girl, but I like brother too! We have the best daddy & mommy & family in the whole wide world! You will love them! And ooh Uncles too! I wuv you already!"

Then I give 3 kisses one for each baby on Momma's belly and smile.... Daddy pulls down Momma's t-shirt and Momma smiles & yawns and Momma be crying too.

I reach out & hug momma carefully, "Don't cry momma, pwease...I Wuv you.... You need sweepy and food for babies."

"I'm crying because that was SO precious my little angel...Nikki.... maybe I should try & eat something before I try & sleep?", Momma asks daddy.

"Ok, Eric...I'll get you some ginger ale & something you can stomach....", Daddy gets cut off by Uncle Lee & TC.

"Nikki, take care of Eric, my husband & I will go get something & be right back.", Uncle Lee smiles but his eyes look worried at Momma.

"Thanks guys, seriously thanks.", Daddy sounds so grateful, but I tell he so worried about Momma...He happy about babies but worried about Momma. Uncle Tommy's Leave....

Momma pwease be ok! Momma I promise I help...Maybe I give you Ocean, you need Ocean more than I do. You need hugs.... I hope soon you feel better...I love you & Daddy, so much! 

A/N: Oh I can't wait to hear thoughts on this! Next chapter will see the tours' end, how Eric's been coping  or trying to with such bad morning sickness and their homecoming. Stay tuned!...Next up on my update rotation is Hearts & Stars....Much love to you all!

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