Chapter 1 I "You are here, because I want you to."

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Making the right decision. This is one of the most important things in life. Some decisions don't change your life, but certain decisions have such a huge impact on your life, that you maybe find yourself in a situation where you regret this very decision. Right now, I find myself in this very situation where I regret opening the door. After I heard the doorbell from my small, cory apartment in London, I come face to face with two men, dressed in black suits. The sight is quite intimidating, but nevertheless I greeted them in a friendly manner. "Hi, how can I help you?" The two men had black shades covering their eyes and no emotion on their faces. There was an awkward silence when neither of them didn't answer my question, but finally one of them decided to speak up.

"Maisy Clarkson?" He asks and I get tensed when he says my full name.

"Yes- um that's me. Who are you?" The whole situation was beyond weird and I was getting really tense and scared. I am usually not this shy and scared but after the incident that I was involved in after I went home at night from a night out at a bar, when I nearly got raped, I have been really on edge in these kind of situations. Again, they didn't answer my question and just looked at each other before nodding at each other and turning back to me. I took a step back inside my apartment, ready to slam the door but they were quick to react and stopped the door from slamming shut. One of the men's arms held my wrists in a painful hold and the other one put a cloth over my mouth and nose. I wanted to scream but the cloth stopped me. I started to fight the two men with all my force but I knew that I had to chance against two of them. I kicked my feet and tried to free my arms but to no avail. My screams were muffled into the cloth and it didn't take long till my body felt heavier and my vision started to get hazy. I fought the urge to close my eyes but only seconds later, my vision got dark and I fell asleep.



I felt extremely tired and exhausted. My body felt like it weighs a ton and I wasn't able nor willing to move. My eyes were still closed and I hated the person who had to scream this loud. Not caring about moving and getting up, I only snuggled deeper into the warm and soft pillow.

"Sorry, boss."

"Just get the fuck out of here!"

The voices were really loud and I was a little confused. Usually when my neighbours fought, it wasn't this loud because they lived in the apartment beneath me. Wait! Did they just say boss? As I said, I was exhausted and even thinking felt like it was too much effort, but this situation still felt wrong. When the voices stopped, I just let out a sigh of relief and turned around and snuggled closer to the pillow. Saturday mornings in bed are just the best after sleeping in.

"Sir, do you need anything?"

"No, thank you, Margret."

I nearly drifted back into sleep when the voices disturbed me again. Being half asleep already, I wondered about these voices. Margret? I don't know anyone in my apartment complex named Margret. I had an inner fight whether to open my eyes already or to just stay asleep. After a while I decided it wouldn't hurt to check the time at least. So I slowly open my eyes.

The crisp, white sheets that hug my body close, keep me warm and give me the feeling of never wanting to leave and I only open my eyes half way to adjust to the bright light coming from the window.


I don't have white sheets. My sheets are either blue or grey. And my bedroom certainly doesn't have a wall, completely made out of glass, facing what seems like the ocean. I shut my eyes close only to open them again, checking if I was just imagining. But no, the white sheets and beautiful view out of the window was still there. I open my eyes all the way now and lean up on my elbows to take in my surroundings. I was laying in a white king-sized bed that was located in a beautiful room with a breath-taking view over the ocean. I could spot three doors that were all closed and an armchair next to a small table that held a vase with beautiful flowers on it, that looked like they cost a fortune. I slowly started to register that this wasn't my apartment, so I quickly sat up.

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