You, again ? (Ch.3)

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I swear I am not dead, this chapter is longer than usual one that's reason number one why that's taking me so long. Other reasons and some explanations you might need will be at the end

The fact that I had a dream about me being anxious for the fact that I accidentally posted an unfinished chapter LMAO

Enjoy :)

3rd POV

Adora, Bow, Entrapta were on their way to save Glimmer and (Y/n) on their space ship who didn't exactly work like it should be. The Gaang plus Rebellians that were left on Etheria were fighting the bots and chaos on the ground while protecting the civilians and getting their needs. Prime was sending out more and more guards and was calling more soldiers from different planets

Ah yes, normal day on Etheria

Meanwhile In Prime's Glimmer attempting to escape or use her power and her supportive panther friend who is...napping. Because that's what she does, half of the time there. Well in her defence she needs to be fresh to kick some ass

As Glimmer was about to punch the wall again, she retracted her hand and went back to sit on the bed, giving up for today. She is definitely gonna try this tomorrow again and everyone knew it

(Y/n) turned around and waited for the pink/purple haired girl to start complaining about Prime and how's life not fair and If she was lucky she would also get included in how she is 'fine" with this whole thing

" kinda look like a bat with those ears" The princess said to her roommate as the panther gasped at the sentence. Taking a deep breath she was about to yell at her

"WELL YOU LOOK LIKE-...HEAR LIKE A FREAKING DONKEY" (Y/n) answered while swinging her tail, irritated

"..did you really just forgot that you can't see ?" Glimmer asked, trying not to laugh at her friends

"NO" (Y/n) lied as she covered her ears with her palms "no I don't want to hear it, nanananana, can't hear you" blocking out Glimmer's talking she did not want to admit that she in fact, did forgot

Letting her hands fall on the sides of her hips, she noticed the sudden vibrations through the ship. Meaning that someone is closing to them. It was Catra and the Prime clones

"What do you see ?" Glimmer asked while standing up (Y/n) quietly noticing that she is 'looking' at the door barrier

Getting no answer, she saw that Catra opened the barrier and the clone behind her closed it. She had cake in her hand and both of them were confused why

"Is that a desert ?" The princess asked no one particular

"Which one" the blind girl still answered pointing to both Catra and the cake while Glimmer gave her the disapproving look. She did not want to hear them flirt in front of her in this cell. Who could've know what would happen and most importantly, who would stop them

Catra walked to Glimmer and gave her the slice of cake. The cat girl grabbed her shoulders and forced her to sit down. Then she kneeled in front of her whole whispering to her about what Prime wants to know. She told her about how a specific space ship is soaring through the space and that he wants She-ra

For Glimmer this was great news as she knew who are they and why are they in the space ship in space

She knew they were coming for then, but she was slightly worried about how they plan on getting them out

Cat's fate (Catra x Fem!reader) [She-ra and princesses of power]Where stories live. Discover now