Surprise (ch.6)

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(Y/n) POV

Past these days i was feeling...nothing. No matter what I did I haven't felt anything. It's like u am going numb. Scorpia has been trying to cheer me up but it too didn't work...maybe it's because of everyone's behaviour ? Catra has been more angry then usually

We did have been in contact with each other and did exchange a few kisses and all..but it wasn't her. I don't think she noticed my weird behaviour or she doesn't care..does she think of me as a weapon ?

Scorpia woke up and Immediately came to my room to drag me from the bed. She said something along lines 'I won't let you rot in here' not the exact same lines she said but that's the message I got from her speech. I've been unmotivated lately

I don't know how Scorpia can go like this all day. Catra is with Hordak all the time, not like I am jealous of them or something since they have been calling me. Even Hordak one time and I must say I didn't expect that which was surprising

Scorpia had two cup of teas in her pincers and gave one to me. It was supposed to be calming tea but I was completely calm or at least I think I was because I totally forgot how to use my emotions. There have been said some words that cut through me...I didn't tell Scorpia about it and I didn't tell her about my..relationship ? Can I even call it like that ? With Catra

Emily followed us but Scorpia didn't seem to notice until she turned around. Emily quickly ran to the other side and this went off for like 5 minutes until Scorpia finally caught the mini robot. She laughed it off and sent Emily to go hide

Drinking the tea we met Catra in the middle of the hallway. Scorpia happily started talking to her when she cut her off by her order

She wanted us to find some disc with Entrapta's recordings. Probably to build something again, ugh still the same repeatable cycle. Get this and that, we will build this and that then we will destroy this and that and then again we always loose

Why am I even in Horde again ? Yeah because Scorpia is here and the love of my life too. But sometimes you gotta think about what is healthy relationship and this is just not it. I did tell them all to come with me, we could escape and live happy life somewhere safe but no we gotta return to this hellhole

I've been venting to Scorpia about leaving but she was always like 'No Catra is here we can't leave her'. I mean I did tell her I can always kidnap her but she immediately disagreed. She said it needs 'light touch', what does a light touch mean to you ?? Light touch isn't enough for her nor for the Horde

Catra drank the tea being actually for a second calm, again it was really only a second. She then yelled at Scorpia and pretty much ignored me. Turning around I walked with Scorpia to find the so important informations

We searched in Entrapta's lab but didn't find anything. Then we went to that goblin woman's old chamber of secrets, I don't know I've never read Harry Potter. The black garnet was still here and it made the memories come back. Back when we were all standing on the balcony enjoying the chaos. When everything was fine and it's complete opposite

Scorpia talked about her connection with black garnet and about her kingdom. She never touched it before ? If I had a kingdom I would definitely touch everything in it but okay

She turned to me like if she wanted my opinion what she really was asking for

"When you don't want to touch it or try it then don't. I won't push you into something, but just remember that it's yours and you can change your mind anytime. It's your choice and I will be with you whenever you like it or not. Once you get to know will never get rid off me" I cackled at the end of my sentence and Scorpia joined

Cat's fate (Catra x Fem!reader) [She-ra and princesses of power]Where stories live. Discover now