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(Y/n) POV

Past these days from the encounter with Ty Lee I have been training a lot. I can't risk loosing to someone like her in a fight. Now that everyone have seen what they have seen I needed to be prepared for anything even with the burns I got

Gotta admit that I looked cool and all that but it still hurt a bit. I choose to ignore the pain always so it's fine

Double Trouble has been giving us informed as Flutterina and no one from Bright Moon knew a thing. It was starting to get into a drama mode. They said that they are really desperate and don't know how we are two steps away ahead from them. Maybe this plan isn't so bad at all

It was day time and Catra dragged me out of bed from the Fright Zone to some cave. It's supposed to be secret hide out but it looks very poorly made. Maybe I'll do some arrangements later. There were only bots some tanks and other tech stuff

I never was into science or math or something. I mean how could I when I am incapable of writing and reading for obvious reasons

Only 7 am in the morning and Catra was already barking orders at others. I was still half asleep since I got like hour sleep last night. Training was all I did in night. No one knows about that because I exactly know what would they say. They would scold me like I am a little kitten or something. Ugh they are so annoyingly nice

Deciding to leave, disappear somewhere I climbed up on the cave since all I was doing was leaning on Catra's shoulder resting while she was yelling orders on cadets and completing her plan. She would pat my head from time to time but I didn't want to distract her

On top of the cave I laid down and enjoyed the sunrise. Not by the visual way but I could at least feel it's warmth. It was soothing and it and replaced the warmth of a person to my touch starved ass

Today I felt extra tired, when I will fall asleep I will wake up in the noon for sure. Eh it will be fine since it's the time Double Trouble will come to give us daily report. They are like a mailman just without the bag of useless papers. I don't think they get that I really am blind and not just a paid actor. I don't even get paid !

Sulking and telling myself that nobody needs me I curl up, hug my knees and furrow my eyebrows. I was thinking about Catra. Not like that but like what are we ? I mean we sleep together usually,we hold hands, we hug more than I hug Scorpia even tho I am really sensitive to contact and she doesn't yell at me like she does with others

We aren't a couple but aren't exactly only friends too, damn this is the first time I am afraid to ask or talk about something. Okay then keep your secrets....maybe friends with benefits ? That sounds weird

"This is so frustrating !" I yelled at top of my lungs as Hazard landed couple of feet away from me

Everyone could hear me but at least I got my frustration out a bit. Catra will probably come to check on me and go for a little talk since that's what she always does. She tells orders in the morning and then we spend time together but this time I am tired and not so sure I want to talk yet

Digging my claws into my fur brainstorming my ears twitched from the loud noises below me. It was too much on me so I decided to sleep out of it. Resting my back on Hazard I made myself comfortable and decided to go to sleep. Maybe sleep will help me, then again here are nightmares but whatever let's try that...

Catra POV

Preparing another bots, I sent them out to the place She-ra should be. This was the best plan we've ever had for a long time. After (Y/n) left somewhere I was on the tablet checking the orders and everything

Cat's fate (Catra x Fem!reader) [She-ra and princesses of power]Where stories live. Discover now