Bonding time ? Not really (ch.2)

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Catra POV (bonus POV)


Walking to Prime after the dinner I tried to get him to warmer up to me and hope he would accept me as his second hand or something like that

But he just kept his posture and his smirk was still on his face as he watched Glimmer and (Y/n) leave

"Increased heart beat, wide pupils...the panther girl means something to you, doesn't she ? I could see that when she was nearby" he said calmly

"H-how did you.." I didn't even have to finish my sentence and he answered me

"Prime sees all, Prime knows all" then he ended the discussion and i ran far away from him because this was just crazy

(Y/n) POV

Its been few hours and we are guarded like a children ! I feel like I'm kindergarten but in space. The worst thing about this was that Glimmer wouldn't shut her trap and kept asking me questions

"So how do you know where you're going ?" She asked out of blue

"When we will be outta here I am gonna explain it to everyone at once, I won't waste my energy on explaining that for you" I tell her annoyed

"Okay and what about your features ? Are you really like cat ?" She continued asking

"Well no shit do I look like a bear to you ?!" I answered a bit more aggressive than I should've

"Well with your big pointy kinda look like a mouse.." slowly she quieted down

Gasping as much as I could I slowly turned to the wall behind me even though it was pointless since she couldn't see me but it made me feel a bit better to imagine myself not being in this horrible cell

"You take that back Glitter !" Punching the wall lightly enough just so she could hear it I heard her chuckle

"Not until you get my name right"

"Never" instantly answering i crossed my hands

Only now I realized Catra was standing in front of our cells, listening to us and watching us. Kinda creepy if you ask me

Clone interrupted her and started talking to her, then he got possessed and Christians nor the priest were here to save him

After his little session was over Prime started talking through him

I guess now I know why everyone kept saying 'Prime sees all, Prime knows all'

As Glimmer was about to ask me another question but was interrupted by Prime taking Glimmer out of her cell

Then the other clones took me too, they lead us to the darkest pits of hell- I should stop listening to the Action films

After walking to our desired reality- I mean our destination they took us too we were met by Prime

Actually why are we still in this bitch of a space ship ? Cant I just hit Prime over head with Sokka's boomerang and then run away ?? Oh right, that's what would old (Y/n) do. Right now I know that I have no idea if he knows how to fight or if he has any secret weapon

He then proceeded to talk about his trophy room where he had a souvenir for every planet he destroyed and probably 'renewed' if I can say that

Showing us his oldest piece he let Glimmer hold it and I was right behind her since I didn't want to be nowhere near that old man whore.

Putting my hands on her shoulders I chanted "Slam it on ground" to Glimmer's ear while bouncing with my legs a bit

"If you help me find She-ra of course"

Cat's fate (Catra x Fem!reader) [She-ra and princesses of power]Where stories live. Discover now