Epilogue 2 ( Mateo's final love)

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( time skip ) flash back

Mateo pov- it's been 2 years since I killed Heavenly-Grace no one speaks her name anymore, she doesn't deserve to be remembered.
My son Gabriel is now 8 his an amazing kid, I couldn't be more proud  of him, he is a proficient fighter. I only started to train him so he would be able to protect himself, It surprised me when he took to it so well he was just a natural he has already won the golden gloves.
Have I found love again, have I let another woman in well yes and no, she works for me as my PA  her Name is Kayla she is sweet, funny and sassy as hell she doesn't take shit even from me, if I snap at her she  will snap right back she demands respect which is what any woman in the mafia needs to be.
I haven't made any real moves but I certainly make sure no man comes near  her,  I even went as far as to kill this guy name Dylan he works in my design department and he asked her out, they did have lunch together and went for coffee I told him to stay away from her but he didn't listen but when this fucker asked her to his girlfriend I lost it, she didn't say yes, she said she had to think about it, so I took this as my opportunity and got my men to take him to our new warehouse cause I didn't want my brother's to find out cause they will tell there wives and they will all make a big deal out of it.
I no longer live in the Mansion, since it's just Gabriel and I we live in the penthouse.
That and I just wanted to start over , we still do our family time so most weekends we stay at the mansion.
I snap out of my thoughts as I hear my office door open I didn't have to look up from my laptop because I know it's Kayla.

Kayla - Mr Cruz your brother's are here  for your Meeting with Mr Santos, I put them in conference room two.

Mateo pov- fuck her voice is so sweet, my heart picks up every time she is near I have never felt like this not even with Heavenly and it scares me to feel like this I don't want to go through this again, I have been holding myself back and it is getting harder to keep my distance, I know you might think If I don't want to pursue her why not just let her go and be with someone else, well it's simple I just have the need to protect her , she seems to draw every man to her and it's always in a disgusting and degrading way.

Kayla- Mr Cruz hello did you hear me, are you doing okay sir.

Mateo - yes...yes I'm okay I will be there in a minute and Kayla how many time do I have to tell you to call me Mateo baby doll...
Oh what are you doing on your lunch break, do you have any plans.

Kayla- having Lunch at the cafe down the street

Mateo-"WITH WHO!!!

Kayla- with Tristan and why are you yelling at me .

Mateo- you will cancel your plans with him right NOW!!! , your having lunch with me I need to talk to you.

Kayla- "what, I just can't can't cancel, that would be rude especially after I agreed to go out with him( what he doesn't know is Tristan is gay, But I want to mess with him
A little)

Mateo- you will cancel or I will end of discussion( I kissed her cheek and walk into the conference room where my brother's are waiting)

( A hour later )

Junior- are you coming this weekend Fratello, maybe bringing a certain someone with you.

Mateo- what the hell are you talking about?

Junior-Kayla, I can see the way you look at her, I have never seen you look at anyone not even...

Mateo- don't finish that sentence, that name is never to be spoken.

Junior- relax Fratello, I was just saying, I can see it, just don't let her slip away, this kinda connection that you have with her is on in a million it may never happen again.
So stop been a pussy and stake your claim on that woman, I have meet up with quite a few of our investors and they can only talk about your gorgeous PA Kayla they say she is like a walking Angel.

Alejandro- make it happen Fratello, will see you this weekend, oh and I will be picking Gabriel up from school he will be staying with us ciao...

Mateo pov- after my brother's left I walked up to Kayla's desk only to find it empty with a sticky note.

You can't tell me , who I can and can't have lunch with, 😘 see you after Lunch Mr Cruz.

I scrunched up the sticky note and walked out the building to that cafe, how dare she disobey me, Tristan that little fucker It's bad enough they are roommates, I swear I am going to kill him, his trying to take what is mine. She is mine after today the hole world will know.
As soon as I got there I see her giggling so sweetly he has his arms around her waist they were dancing, god this girl is gunna be the death of me.
The moment I saw him kiss her cheek, my blood was boiling, I was fuming with rage I ran straight to him getting ready to beat the living shit out of him but she saw me coming and jump in front and wrapped her arms around me saying "his gay, his gay please stop, his my best friend. " what his gay? I looked over at Tristan fear evident on his face, then I look to her she has tears coming down, great I made her cry... I wiped the tears of her face leaned down and captured her lips it was slow yet passionate.

Mateo - "your mine , there will be no more teasing me just to mess with me, you do not want to test me baby doll, is that understood?

Kayla - who said I want to be yours, you didn't ask me, that and your my boss it will be wrong

Mateo- I wasn't asking, I was telling you that you are mine weather you like it or not, I can't let you go and I am the boss and if people what to talk shit or have a problem I can fix that for.
Tristan, now I no longer want to rip you apart, it's nice to meet you officially, unfortunately Kayla and I must go we are going to your apartment to pack her things and don't worry her rent will be covered until you find someone else because she is moving in with me.

Kayla- hey I didn't agree to any of this, you can't just change and decide everything for me. what about Gabriel you haven't talked to him about this yet and again I never said I was yours.

Mateo - my son loves you so no there will be no problem.

Mateo pov- I was getting tried of her mouth, yes maybe I am going a little over board telling her how it's gunna be ratter then ask her, well I didn't want to give her a chance to do what she is doing a lot of now and that's argue with me.
With that I picked her up over my shoulder slapping her ass and putting her in the back of the SUV.
She mine, I know she wants me, I know she feels the same way I do but she is just putting up this wall but hey I have a wall up too maybe we can bring each other's walls down and maybe just maybe she is my one, only true forever and always.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora