Flying back home

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Junior pov- we all are going to meet up and fly back home later today so Camila and I are going to spend the day together before me leave later tonight it's been an amazing 3 weeks but sadly we have to get back, we are all missing our kids I can't wait to see them but for now I am looking forward to spending some quite time relaxing with coniglia.

Junior- hey coniglia are you ready to go, it's our last day here so lets make it count.

Camila- yeah I'm ready but I am also ready to get back to our babies I miss them both so much.

Junior- so do I but right now I want some more alone time with my wife and sexy mama.

Camila- haha you are so cheesy, come on let's go I want to catch some more sun.

Camila pov- this hole trip has been incredible this Island this huge bungalow with that killer slide that is so much fun although I only went on it once and that is because Junior wasn't around when he saw me going on it he went crazy saying it was dangerous while I am pregnant, but hey at least I got to go on it at least once.
Once we got to the spot, Junior and I went to sit on the rock water fall it was truly a beautiful site.

Junior- so what do you think baby of this place, Is there anything you will like to do before we leave we still got around 5 hours before we have to leave

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Junior- so what do you think baby of this place, Is there anything you will like to do before we leave we still got around 5 hours before we have to leave.

Camila- I love it and I don't want to do anything else I just want to relax and stay in your embrace all day, I know when we get back you will be busy catching up ( pouting )

Junior- Baby girl I promise I will make sure to make time for you and kids, you know you guys will always come first.

Camila- promise ( pouting)

Junior- haha I promise coniglia, ti amo cara mia

Camila- ( I cuddled into his side ) ti amo

With Alejandro and Lena

Alejandro pov- We got dress to spend our last day before we meet up with my brother's and sister in laws and head back home.
We decided to go eat some breakfast we decided to wait till we our back home to tell everyone all together that we our expecting out second child, I am beyond excited because they will be close in age.

Alejandro- hey kitten you ready I have a surprise for you come on lets go put this blind fold on.

Lena pov - I let him lead me to what ever the surprise is when we came to stop he starts kissing and sucking on mg heck and I let out a loud moan thank god there is no one close for miles.
My breathing hitches a bit as he starts taking of my clothes kissing every inch of me tell I am completely naked then he picks me up and puts me in want feels like water with something in it, once he take of the blindfold I realise its a bath bath with flower petals it smelled amazing but felt even better because  Alejandro had his arms wrapped around me which made me feel so hot and my pussy Tingle.

My breathing hitches a bit as he starts taking of my clothes kissing every inch of me tell I am completely naked then he picks me up and puts me in want feels like water with something in it, once he take of the blindfold I realise its a bath bath...

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God I need him now, but because I was throwing up I and wasn't feeling well I know he won't that's why he chose to do this on our last day,
Not that I mind cuddling him, I could cuddled him all day staying in his arms forever, that's where home is and will always be.

Lena- this is amazing babe I love it, it's so relaxing even more so because I am in your arms.

Alejandro- mmm baby girl my arms our where you belong, we will stay here a little longer then I will take you back for a nap before we leave okay.

Lena - but I am not tried, I will sleep on the plane the flight is long enough.

Alejandro- don't argue baby you didn't sleep on the way there so I know you won't on the way back, so you are and will have a sleep do understand me.

Lena- argg fine ( pouting )

Alejandro- don't pout baby, here lay back on me and let me feed you some fruit princess.

With Mateo and Heavenly- Faith

Mateo pov- I am in our room packing everything we have. Be fighting again we haven't even had sex this is our honeymoon, I swear she is starting to piss me off, don't get me wrong it's not about her not sleeping with me, it's her distance her attitude I don't know if Markus has the reasons why he told me he will tell me when we get home, I haven't been this depressed since my parents where in a coma.
That was in that time she come into my life and brought light back to it but now she is putting into darkness I hide it from my family especially my brother's which is hard they now me better then anyone we shared the womb after all.
I decided to make it another last ditch attempt because I love her with all my heart despite how she has been with me lately, I told her to meet me down stairs that we are going somewhere before we meet with my brother's and sister in law's.
On the way there I stare out into the sky feeling even more depressed especially thinking about my brother's and there woman I know they are having a good time there women show them
Nothing but love where mine is well this past year she barley looks talks to me or anyone she stays in our room all the time and most of the time she locks it.

Mateo- so what do think, the waterfall is breathtaking right.

Mateo- so what do think, the waterfall is breathtaking right

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Heavenly pov- yeah it certainly is, the water is so warm.

Mateo - do you want to swim up to the waterfall or go inside the cave.

Heavenly- no I think I want to sun bake and enjoy the sun while we are here is so calm and relaxing I just want to lay down enjoy the quite while I can.

Mateo- sure lets go they sent the beach chairs up so you can lay down and get some sun.

Mateo pov- we get to the Beach lounge chairs I was about to start talking to her but she put her air buds in and pulls out a book, did I do some thing to make her feel unloved that she will be this cold to me and even out son, Fuck man I sound like a pussy I swear she is lucky we are here and I don't hit women cause right now she is pushing me to snap believe me this is a build up for about a year at first I didn't think to much of it but know it's starting to get get to me.
Hopefully Markus will have good news which can calm me down.

Junior The Crowned Mafia PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now