Saul 2

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Junior pov- I was seating in my office completely the last of my paper work  it's been a long and tiring day the one thing that surprised me was Saul he was genuinely concerned about his son and showed nothing but love maybe just maybe Mila fooled him I will see what my father has to say he is always best at reading people.
I started putting all the files away  and walked outside to my car headed straight to the Cruz mansion, I texted Markus on the way and told him t bring Saul papa told me that the two little boys where already there and treatment will start shortly but of course they need to get the cells from the bone marrow from Saul.
When I reached home as soon as I got there Camila jumped straight in my arms.

Junior- wow wow... well looks like my baby missed me( kiss)

Camila- yes I did, did you not miss me

Junior- of course I missed you , but I still have a few things to do then I am all yours

Camila- yeh I know the two little boys that got dropped off earlier they didn't look so good Jeremy and his dad are looking at them now

Junior- yeh that's why Saul is coming , is my papa in the office

Camila- no he is in the hospital wing wants you to wait here until Saul I am guess arrives
I am going to watch a movie with Diamond and Miracle ( kiss)

Junior- okay baby I will see you soon.
Have fun.

Saul pov- We pulled up to the Cruz Mansion and I out out of the car was lead to the front door my Markus.
Once inside Junior was there waiting for us, he told me to follow him, so I did we came to a stop on the 4 floor judging by the smell I an guessing it's the hospital wing that they where talking about.

Miguel- Saul the only reason your hear is for them  those kids are innocent and don't deserve this and the fact your technically family since your father was my father  brother, and I believe my son when he tells me Mila hooked her nails into and coned you into believe her web of lies but like he also said its up to what you do, you will live a happy life with your boys or be dead by lying and betraying us, so do not take our act of kindness so likely for in you do you will be dead i. Second am I clear,

Saul - yes Don Miguel we are clear I just want to help my son I will help in any and every way I can to help you get Mila.
Can I see my sons talk to them alone, even though I never new of there  existence I still own them an explanation and they can also start to take those cells from me they can take all of me  if it keeps them alive.

Saul pov - Miguel let me go, I walked into the room to see them they just stare up at me, for a brief moment I was lost for words but I quickly snapped out of it and approach them.

Jack- who are you
Jordan- yeah who are you

Saul- well first my name is Saul and  I want to tell both of you something but let me say sorry to you both first. I had no idea about use if I did I would have kept you with me

Jordan- why?, why would you take us.

Saul- I'm....I'm... your dad, I am so sorry I will make it up to you both.

Saul pov - They both looked up at me with wide eyes but said nothing I started to get nervous that they would both be mad and hate me, I hang my head low but the moment I looked up both boys threw them selfs at me I wrapped both my arms around them and held them tightly to me as my own tears leaked out and I started to cry I haven't cried since my grandmother passed away and I became so lost she was the only one that loved me.

Jordan- daddy, daddy Jack we have a daddy

Jack- y...your not gunna leave us like our mum and grandpa and grandma and katie are you

Saul- no never again I may not have been in your life from the beginning but I want you to know that I love you both so much, I will never let you go, they have doctors here that's going to help you they will take some cells from me and give it to the both of you to make you better then you will be stronger then you ever were before.
Oh and Happy birthday Jordan, I got you both presents and when you get better you can pick whatever you want anything at all.

Jack- will you be staying daddy
Jordan- daddy you have to say, you said you not leave us.

Saul-ummm well....

Miguel- of course he will stay I already had a nurse bring another bed in here so he can be with you both and also some books both Dr Domingo's told me they will start the transfer in the morning, one of the maids should be in here shortly with some dinner. Layla here will stay with you I just need to talk to your father real quick he will come back and you can have your dinner.

Jack/ Jordan- okay see you later daddy

Saul- see you boys soon.

Saul pov - we walked in silence all the way to his office I am guessing this our Miguel's other sons and his cousins

Miguel- take a seat Saul
Okay now tell me everything that psychotic little girl has planned you will help us once we have her and anyone else helping her , then we will let you live free and happy with your sons I will even associate our companies together so your boy's future will be secure.

Saul- I will do it, I will do anything for my boys they need me, I can't let them down I am all they have and there all I have.

Saul pov- I began to tell them everything, about her secret place her mother that she use to talk to this guy she was messing with she use to tell me she was using him because he can make poisonous gases, but I have no clue what his name is his real name anyways and what collage he goes to.
I even told them that she had a plan to kidnap him and his cousin snd his wife because she knows that they mean everything to Junior was completely obsessed with the Idea of been with him.
I told them everything after a little over a hour I was done.

Miguel- Junior figlio you and your brother's make sure all the women in are family are heavily guarded I want every guard to work around the clock they can't clock of until another guard can take over I will end all there lives if anyone gets hurt, Dino start digging further into Noelle find that place he is talking about and the kid they call brainy if he makes that poisonous gases  for her we will all be in danger find her and that kid NOW!!!!
You should go back to your boys your dinner should be there soon and I am sure they will be waiting for you, Markus will take you back.

Saul- yes thank you, Don Miguel
I would also like to help, the few men I do have are loyal, if she tries to contact them, or if you don't mind me saying she is very much obsessed with Junior he could set up a trap make her think he wants her.

Miguel- mmm I will keep that in mind, will see what  Junior thinks

Saul pov-  After the talk with Don Miguel, I left with Markus back to my boys, Once I got there there faces lit up once again.

Jordan- the food came daddy eat

Jack - so good.... Daddy.....

Saul- it does look good save some for me.

Saul pov - after dinner I played with them and we read stories they both fell asleep cradle in  my arms I know we each have a bed but I couldn't
Bring myself to let them go I wanted to hold them forever and never let them go, I shut my eyes and let sleep take me.

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