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Tammy pov- I can't believe it I am in a creepy cell in the so called Mafia kings basement and it's all Mila's fault she said all her line where safe no one could link me to her, desperate bitch arggg now she is off with Saul no doubt to come up with another plan they will probably leave me here to be killed and tortured some more, they told me the first time they starter there torture that they will build up and make it worse, wait for me to heal and do it over and over again, maybe I should just tell them something any think that I know god I don't want to die, my deep thoughts were interrupted when I heard the sound of footsteps and voices coming down as it got closer I new that one was Camila, I immediately tensed I new what was coming then I saw one of the guards take Liam in a room he could barley open his eyes cause they where practically swollen shut, no doubt he has gotten worst then me that's because he sexually assaulted the crowned mafia prince soon to wife Camila, Mila didnt tell me much Just how much she wanted to be with him and have all the money and power.
My cell door opened and one of the guards took me out I didn't bother fighting there was no point my body is to weak there is only one of me and many of them maybe Camila will help me, forgive me
Well one can only hope but as soon as I got into the room the look on her face says it all, he told her everything.

Camila- ( I walked straight to her and slapped her hard across her face)
You, you used me just to get back with one of your babies daddies, which lets face it he will probably just fuck you and left like the other two times leaving another child for your parents to raise. I may have been at that boarding school practically all my life for my own protection but make no mistake about it I am still a Mafia princess and I was still trained by my papa every year since I was 5 all the holiday breaks I was training with him and he showed me many ways to torture someone for days, weeks, months, even years without killing them, he said to prolong death to the person you are torturing is the worst kinda torture cause they just want to die so they don't have to live through another torture session,
Well shall we begin, you don't mind do you miggy.

Junior- not at all coniglia, she is all yours, they both are I want to watch my future queen in action.

Camila pov- I opened up my own case of blades my papa gave me when I was 12 he taught me how to cut the flesh using different animals he found already dead on the side of the road, she will be the first human I do it to so I guess you can say she is kinda like a guinea pig lol.
I walked up to her with one of my favourite craving blades her face became instantly pale loosing all colour.

Camila- now this is how its gunna go I will rip the flesh of your body until you decide to tell us everything you now about what Mila and Saul are up to and where they are.

Camila pov- I took the blade and started at her shoulders slowly slicing the flesh right of her, she was screaming in pain which was music to my ears at this point but what I didn't like was her bucking around in the chair so I told the guards to hold her down.
I continued to slice her flesh clean of her hold right arm including her hand once I was down I dangled it in front of her, but eyes where barely opened so I took the bucket of  ice water and poured it on top of her head her eyes snapped open and her breathing became heavy, as soon as she saw me holding the flesh from her right arm she looked at her arm and screamed calling me crazy, well maybe I am, but hey She shouldn't have done that to be, she shouldn't have helped Mila.
I decided I would do one more thing to her just so she remembers and it sticks in her head, maybe then she will talk and tell us what we need to know.
I picked up the salt and poured it onto her right arm all over the fresh cut open flesh her pity full cries and screams as the salt burning into her open flesh.

Camila- I will give you awhile to calm down from the pain you must be feeling, then we will see if you are smart  and start talking or are you as dumb as ever and going to keep your mouth shut.

Camila pov- I looked over at Junior and he had a big smile on his face he was looking at me beaming with pride, she really be thanking my papa for teaching me.
I turned to Liam he was shaking his head begging me not to lol there was a reason I tortured Tammy first so he could watch and see what I was capable of.
There was only one thing I wanted to do to him then my miggy can do as he pleases with him.

Camila- lucky for you, I am going to do one small thing to you kinda tried that bitch had tough skin took a lot out of me.

Camila pov- lol the look on his face but little does he know what that little thing is.
I picked up the big gardening shears and told the guards to pull his pants down.
I slowly walked up yo him with a smirk plastered on my face I put the shears right on his little friends and cut it off blood splattered all over me, he was screaming and cussing me out.

Camila- now you can never do what you did to me to other girls, not that you live to see that day lol haha..
His all yours amore .

Junior- lucky for you, I have to use for you, I know you have nothing do with what they where up to that you where just a puppet a stupid one you could have said no when she asked you but sadly you didn't. ( BANG!!! I shot him just between the eyes told the guards to get rid of his body so no one finds him)

Camila- so Tammy are you ready to talk?

Tammy- t...t...they... S...Saul h...has  a...another h...h..house  p...probably t..there a..all I k....know It's t...the  s...ssouth of  Italy c... country s....side
Mila s....said it w...was i..in h...his grandma n...name on h...is  m...others side.....
Please!!! L..let m...mee  Go  thats a.all I know.

Camila pov- Miggy and I didn't say anything we just left her without saying a word.
We went straight to our bedroom to clean up after we done we went straight to Zio Miguel's office his brothers Mateo and Alejandro where there we told them everything that Tammy said and Zio Dino went straight to his computer and started digging and hacking into everything about Sauls mother Katarina after a few minutes he found the place in Italy and they would leave to go bring them back here.
It sucked I couldn't go I had to go to school only Junior his papa and his Zio's where going they already have many guards over there which were already informed.
I started to feel a little sad I guess it just hit me he will be gone for a few days.

Junior- coniglia what's wrong ? Are you okay?

Camila- umm it's just that I will miss you when you are gone, it feels as though I just got you back  and now you leaving what if something happens and I lose you.

Junior- nothing is going to happen to me, I will miss you so much too, it will be three days tops then I will be back here with you.
How bout we cuddle up in bed and watch a movies   For the  rest of the day and night just you and me, I will watch any movie you want it's all your choice coniglia.

Camila- mmm okay sounds perfect
Love you

Junior- love you more forever and always cara.

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