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Junior pov- seeing her move her fingers slightly I couldn't help but shout in excitement which kinda scared Massimo and Marcela.
I rocked them back and fourth apologising to them.

Junior- sorry mio figlio, mio figlia papa just got a little overjoyed
Junior pov- I called Zio Gustavo in he doesn't really work that much anymore but his been coming in everyday for Camila which I appreciate very much.
If anyone knows what are family has been through it is him.
I also called Mama as the twins are getting tried they are due for there nap it will also give me alone time with piccola coniglia.
After My mama and papa take the twins I get on the bed and carefully put my arms around her holding close to me putting her head on my chest son she can hear the beating of my heart, the beats that will slow down if I ever lose her.

Junior- Camila mio coniglia ti amo amore
You have to wake up, I know you are there I saw you move, fight amore fight, fight for me , fight for our children come back, ( crying) come back to us please we need you.
( crying)
I promise nothing will ever take you away again, I will never let anyone hurt you, this time when I feel it is not a good idea I don't care if you pull the cutest face I will put my foot down and say no, so you will always stay safe.
I learnt my lesson mio amore  never again will that happen please wake up, let me see those beautiful guys those bug green emerald eyes that have pierced through my soul.

Junior pov - I close my eyes and hold her tight praying to god that he will hear my prays tonight.
Then happen again, she moved she gave me a slight squeeze it was a strong one but I felt it nonetheless.

Junior- I new you where awake, well not completely but a part of you is because you squeezed me, which means you...., you can hear me baby.... You can really here me ...
We will come every day through out the day talking to you, waiting for you to open those eyes of yours.

Mateo- sorry Fratello but Papa wants you to come to the meeting, so how is doing

Junior- she... , she squeezed me Fratello, it means she can me, she is going to wake up soon.
And why do I need to go for a meeting papa said he will handle it for a while.

Mateo- its been 3 months Fratello, it's Mr Loumas the owner of the 5 start resorts worldwide and his daughter Adriana, he told papa he will only talk Business with you, apparently she has some sort of  Business proposal to run by you.

Junior- what kinda proposal?

Mateo- I don't know he wouldn't say.

Junior- okay tell them I will be right down but I swear it better be good, I will loose it if it's not Camila may not be away yet but every time me and the kids spend with her she moves a bit and this meeting is cutting in that time.

Mateo- relax Fratello I'm just the messenger, but watch for the daughter hahaha she hasn't stopped looking at your picture in the office.

Junior- great thanks for the heads up alright lets get this over with so I can come back and spend my time with mia moglie ( my wife )

Junior pov- I place a soft kiss on her cheek and told her I will be back soon, I shut the door behind me and walk to the office with my brother.
Apparently Mr Loumas was here tending to one of his resorts and found out we where here so he contacts our head office who called papa and here we are.

Mr Loumas- Ah... The man of the hour

Adriana- his not just the man of the hour , his a certified genius daddy.
It's a pleasure to meet you finally

Junior- yeah okay so what is it that couldn't wait till I was back home Mr Loumas

Mr Loumas- well what a propose is A merger between your hotels and my resorts

Junior- and how do you propose we do that
Mr Loumas.

Junior pov- I new what this bastard was up to , I mean look how his daughter is looking at me but I just want him to say it so I can destroy them both, not kill or anything they are not part of the Mafia world so I wouldn't do that I will however kill there social standing that they care about so much and ruin there business.

Mr Loumas- through Marriage of course you and my beautiful daughter Adriana.

Junior- he really said that to me didn't he guys
Look Mr Loumas I am sure you already new that I am married and have twins that are 3 months old so tell me why in the world would you propose that.

Adriana- Don't be mad at daddy darling, he only ask because well you have t move on she left you and your babies for Levi and daddy thought I would make the perfect mother for them and wife for you.
I of course agreed, so are you...( cut of )

Junior- shut up you whore
( as soon as she said Levi's name all gun where drawn out she was to caught up it her delusional fantasy she didn't even notice right away)
Now Mr Loumas beside your daughter having a big mouth and giving away that she knows Levi I had Dino over there run a check on her she is 2 weeks pregnant and judging by your face I am right, so you thought you bring her hear I would agree and you could pass her baby as mine.
By the pictures he send me there are a lot of men who could be.
You just screwed yourselves, big time

Miguel- take them away now I want all paper work of all business and the money transferred over to the Cruz family.

Mr Loumas- w...what y...you can do that, I will call the police.

Miguel- lol hahaha oh you stupid man weather were here or back home I am still the Mafia King I own the dam world and you are not making it back, well alive anyways not that the whore of a wife you married will care she will marry some else when the week is up when she realises that she has no more money that all your accounts have been drained, but hey I might change my mind, I don't know weather it was you or your  daughter but she did know about Levi kidnapping Camila that was never put out for the public to see and know.
So we are gunna take  a trip and you will talk and if you don't know anything we will ask your daughter if she refuses to talk then we just kill you both, oh if it makes you feel better Levi is dead.

Junior pov- I left my papa to interrogate I didn't care what they where doing, the only thing I cared about was grabbing my kids and going to take them to see there Mama and the love of my life, My forever and always.

Junior The Crowned Mafia Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें