"That is correct your honor. As the sole provider my client estimates she's spent well over 100,000 dollars on supplies for said battery. One that has recently sold, they have failed to present the information on that asset." Clarke spoke.

"I see and how much would that be? If I have to pull records I won't be happy." The judge watched Robert whisper to his lawyer.

".......15 million. But my client only has a sign on check. Profit from his invention hasn't come in."

"Your honour, if I may interject. Mr. Gayle had a check of 1.5 million dollars sent to my office. My client declined to accept the check." Clarke added.

"Mr. Gayle, it says here you are contesting for the money because she tossed you out with nothing. You can see how this is confusing for me. You can buy your own house. Can you explain why the check was written?" The judge pointed out, noticing the glare Robert was sending Melinda's way.

"It was a peace offering.....one she spat on.....too busy being WHORED BY THAT NO GOOD SON OF A BITCH!" Robert barked suddenly, Melinda flinched at the sound. Flashbacks of all his yelling in the house assaulting her mind. Just when she thought she was getting a hold on her trauma. His yelling had triggered those old feelings to resurface.

"Mr. Gayle! I will have order in this court! Control your client! That is his last warning." The judge snapped, he looked down at the thick file. Clearly he needed some real time to impact this all.

"Your honour could we take 5?" Clarke asked, noticing the state Melinda was in.

"I second that." Robert's lawyer spoke up, needing to get a hold on Robert.

"Actually I think I need to truly dig into this case. We will reconvene in two weeks time." The judge spoke up. Robert glared at the old man. The whole point of a new judge was for them to see just his side. How did no one see what she was doing? This act she was putting on? How could they be so fucking blind!?

"This is bullshit! I wish I choked you to death." He spat, not expecting his voice to be picked up.

"Excuse me what was that Mr. Gayle?" The judge asked, having heard that clearly.

"My client didn't say anything." His lawyer instantly lied.

"I need fresh air!" Melinda blurted, feeling like it was too hot. Pushing her chair back she grabbed her purse, the tears already coming as those screams echoed loud in her mind.

"STOP FAKING! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DO! YOU'RE DOING THIS TO ME! WHY MELINDA? WHY? I LOVE YOU!" Robert roared, jumping up out of his seat. Melinda half thought he was bout to fly across this room.

"ORDER! THATS ENOUGH!" The judge snapped, pressing a button at his seat.

It took nothing for gaurds to burst in. Robert continuing to yell out to her as guards escorted her out the court room. She felt her breaths coming in and out to fast. Her panic coming into play as she realized she couldn't stop. Getting light headed she slid down the hall wall holding her chest. Barely registering the people talking to her.

"It sounds like you had a panic attack. Was that your first time?" No, I used to get them a lot when I was younger. When I couldn't get my anger under control and thought my family would hate me. Or when my dad died. The nightmares I used to have. They kinda disappeared, that was the first in a long long time. "How did you calm down?" My lawyer had called Derrick.

"Mellie baby, can you hear me?"

At the sound if his voice Melinda looked around for him. Only to find a phone being held out. She took it with shaky hands feeling like she was about to pass out. She couldn't catch her breath to answer him but she was sure he could hear her.

Acrimony: Until DeathWhere stories live. Discover now