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*Vote and Comment. Yall ready for class to be in session?*

That next morning, I actually woke up before he did. I don't know why but I was feeling pretty damn good. My body was sore and I could still feel the aftermath of Derrick taking control of me but emotionally, I was breezing through the day. Since he was still sleep, I decided to get up and cater to him. Melinda crawled out of the Alaskan King sized bed, placing a peck on Derrick's lips before heading into the bathroom. Doing her hygiene, she went downstairs, Beaux waiting at the bottom of the stares for her. "Good morning handsome. You want to cook breakfast with me?" She voiced.

Getting a bark in return, she grinned, humming as she trekked to the kitchen. Looking at her phone, she read the reminder that she had another appointment with Dawn in 2 days. She was kind of excited. Things were looking up for her and she was ready to get the results back on her AMH test. She didn't want to think about having kids with Robert and now she didn't have to. Her mind automatically thinking about Derrick with his nieces. She still wanted a baby and she wanted one with Derrick.

Turning on some music, she smirked realizing it was connected to the Bluetooth speaker in the wall. I don't know when he was setting things up but everyday I discovered something new. Like when he connected my phone to the wall I'll never know but I did appreciate it. Singing along to old school songs, she was in her own element. Taking a piece of bacon off the plate she tossed it to Beaux, giggling when he caught it. Her hips swayed side to side as she danced, the music drowning out the sound of Derrick walking into the kitchen.

Beaux looked at his original owner not sure if he wanted to greet Derrick or stick beside his new favorite person. Unable to contain his smile, Derrick took a seat at the marble island, waiting for Mel to turn around. He watched her sing her heart out to Brownstone, happiness wrapped around his heart. When he saw her feed Beaux another piece of bacon, he couldn't help but to understand the betrayal from man's best friend. He picked up her phone, turning the volume down before clearing his throat, making Mel jump.

"So I've been abandoned for food. Really Beaux?" Getting a bark in return, Derrick nodded. "I'm sorry. I know I probably shouldn't feed him this but he just sits and waits patiently. I think he submits better than I do," Mel confessed. "He didn't used to be like that. He was a dick for a spell. I see you are in a very good mood this morning." "Yes I am. Thanks to you." Licking his lips, Derrick eyed her up and down. A heavy thought in his mind about fucking her on the counter right then and there.

"I should be thanking you for giving me the best birthday gift I could ask for." Dropping her head to hide her blush, she spun on her heels to finish up cooking. Walking up behind her, Derrick wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin in her shoulder. "You're welcome," Mel softly voiced, giggling when he peppered her neck with kisses. Turning the stove off, she plated the food. Once they sat down together, the bubbly atmosphere seemed to linger between them. "How do you feel?" He asked taking a sip of orange juice. "I feel great. I'm excited to start training." "I'm glad. That will be a little later this week though." Mel nodded as she took a bite of food.

Derrick could sense that she wanted to ask him something. "What's your question?" I hated how he knew I was going to ask him something. I didn't even say anything!! "I..... ummmmmm...... I was wondering how many...subs have you had?" She kept her eyes down, feeling like it was offensive to ask. Derrick put his fork down, his facial features focused. "Technically 6." "Technically? What does that mean?" "It means that I have had 3, including you now that were exclusively my submissives, that would also include my ex wife. The other 3 were during club scenes. Just needed a quick release if you would."

Mel's face scrunched, confused by what he meant. "What's the difference between exclusive and club?" "You are my exclusive sub. No one can claim you. No one can play with you. We set rules and guidelines and work towards a goal for our relationship. This work includes training. This includes daily routines that we will discuss. Club scenes are more free play. There is still trust and respect but you have the freedom to play with others as long as you communicate openly and do not cross boundaries."

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