They Don't Know

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

February 2020

Getting out of her car Melinda headed into Dawn's practice. Despite her jumbled mind she was actually happy to come in. She had to admit she had packed on the pounds. As afraid of getting fat as she was she was grateful for it. For reasons bright like actually feeling good, to reasons dark like more cushion for the blows. She was hoping she could get off the hormone blockers because the hot flashes weren't it.

Checking in she was brought back fairly quickly. A nurse taking blood and having her do a urine sample. Sitting in her room she looked at the poster of birthing positions. Tilting her head at some of the random facts. She had always wondered why they forced women to lay on their backs. That was a fuck you to gravity. The saying what works for you won't work for others coming into mind. Taking a picture of the poster she sent it to the group chat her sisters had her in. She had muted it years ago but she felt this was a nice way to drop the first message from her ever.

Brenda: Did Mel drop something in here? Am I looking at that right?

June: Where is that at?

Mel: Doctors office.

Brenda: Are you sick? You don't ever go to the doctors.

Mel: Not sick. Just a check up.

June: That's good.

Brenda: You sure you're not sick? This is so unlike you.

Mel: And goodbye.

Luckily Dawn was entering saving her from cussing Brenda out. It's not like she needed a damn reminder. The Collins sibling flashing her that pearly white smile. Excitement on her face and they hadn't even started yet. Mel narrowed her eyes at the bubbly woman.

"Your weight is up! You are officially in the correct place. I'm proud of you girly. Was glad I didnt have to resort to booster shots." Dawn lightly joked, Melinda cracked a smile shocking Dawn. She decided against commenting on it. The warm glow from Melinda was rather vibrant and new.

"Now just cause I'm saying you're in at a good weight doesn't mean you can't add some more on. That's completely up to you. I'm also loving this blood work might I add. You could use a bit more iron in your diet but it's not worrisome."

"I can do that." Melinda commented, Dawn nodded pleased with that.

"Okay so on today's agenda. I want an ultrasound to check on those fibroids. Hopefully they should be clearing up. You ready for that?"

I would have been worried if this was two days before. I still had bruises then, but that Monday all I had was tenderness. I guess that's a plus to getting healthy. You heal faster and I was grateful for that.

Laying back Mel lifted her shirt. Watching as Dawn slid over to the machine in the corner. Rolling it over and getting it set up. Focused on the task Dawn applied some gel to Mels stomach. Had her focus not have been on the screen she would have seen Mel wince. Instead all she heard was the shaky breath.


"Mhmm." Mel played off, looking at the screen not understanding a thing.

"Okay.....So I'm seeing clear. 3 fibroids have dissipated completely, you have the tiniest little remnant of one. If my calculations are correct you have about three more days of the blockers. Don't refill I think that'll do. I also want to note that your ovary right see? Previously this scar tissue was kind of pinching your fallopian tube. A healthy tube has about one centimeter diameter, yours was at .29 centimeters from the pressure, but look as I measure today were looking at .49. That's damn near 50 percent. This progress is huge Melinda." Dawn gushed, Mel looked at the screen tilting her head.

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