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A tense silence filled the car as she drove them towards the airport. It wasn't the type of silence that made you feel uncomfortable, but it wasn't exactly comforting either. Two things helped to ease it, though; the touch of her husband's hand on her thigh, and seeing her son, Elijah, fast asleep in the back of the car.

At only four months old, he was impossibly tiny still, and the car seat only exaggerated that further. She glanced back, looking to the mirror that gave her a reflection of his sleeping form, smiling softly as she noticed the small smile he gave as he slept, huddled in blankets.

The car came to an idle stop at a red light, just around the corner from the airport car park. She glanced over at Derek who was looking out the window from the passenger seat. He'd been miserable and pouty since he'd been told the hospital needed him to go away to the upcoming conference. He was the only neuro attending available to attend, to represent Seattle Grace.

Meredith couldn't go with him either, having various meetings already in place to get her new department ready for opening the next month. She really wasn't in any position to be staying away from her son at only four months of age. Leaving him in day care was hard enough some days.

She couldn't be annoyed with his mood. She knew, put in his position, she would feel the same way. She was miserable enough that he wouldn't be there for the next five days and four nights. He just didn't want to leave them alone. He didn't want to be away from Elijah either.

She placed her free hand on his, squeezing gently. She was reassured when he turned his hand beneath hers, linking their fingers together, even though he released a heavy sigh. She eventually pulled the car into a parent and child bay, switching off the engine as she turned in her seat to face him.

"It's only five days and four nights," she said quietly, rubbing her thumb against the back of his hand.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. He turned to meet her gaze.

"I promised you we wouldn't sleep apart again," he said.

"Derek," she sighed, "This is different. This is work, and it's not that long."

"You know I'll leave early if I can, right?"

"I know, we'll be okay," she gave him a small smile.

He gave her a small smile, albeit forced, but she'd take it. She knew he loved her; she didn't always need reassurance of that. Derek's gaze shifted to their son in the back seat.

"I want say a proper goodbye, but I don't want to wake him up either."

She squeezed his hand, bringing his gaze back to her.

"Personally, I'd rather you didn't wake him," she said, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "But we will walk you inside."

"Thank you," a smile flashed across his lips, and he caught hers in a quick kiss.

She pressed back, deepening the kiss with a soft hum, savouring him for a moment. She released his hand, cupping his face with both of her hands. She pulled back slightly, their foreheads touching.

"I love you."

"I love you too," he kissed her quickly again.

"Come on, no more distracting."

She laughed as she climbed out of the car, heading straight to the trunk where Elijah's stroller was folded away. She pulled it out and started to lock it into place as Derek unloaded his suitcase.

Almost expertly, she lifted Elijah out of his car seat, making sure to keep him swaddled close I his blanket as she settled him into the stroller. He became a little restless, but quickly settled when she tucked his blanket around him and made sure his stuffed monkey was nestled next to him.

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