New Romantics

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She wouldn't see him again for another month and a half and she wasn't sure she could wait that long. She was tense, wound up, she needed him. She hated needing anybody, but ever since she'd met him almost five years ago now, she found herself needing his presence more and more. Since they'd become engaged, phone calls just weren't enough to help her release the pent up tension in her muscles. It only released when he was around.

Derek's schedule had been hectic recently, full of night shifts and long hours, some of which he brought upon himself if she was being completely honest, and she knew he needed a break to it, even if he wouldn't admit it and refused to show her any sign of weakness. Unfortunately, she could read him like a book.

She couldn't tell him she was on her way. She wanted to surprise him, for one, and secondly, she was the one who told him not to come and see her before boards. She was the one who wanted them to focus, but now she was the one on the edge of falling apart, and she didn't want to have to admit that to him. Although maybe showing up unannounced was basically telling him that.

It had started to get warm this time of year in New York. She thought back to the last time she'd travelled to New York in April. It had rained, heavily so, when she'd been forced to come here after her mother had collapsed. When she found Derek had somewhat moved on with that girl. She hoped she wouldn't have to run into her again. She felt secure in her relationship with Derek, she trusted him, and if she was being honest, part of her trusted in the fact that her mother was his boss.

She took her jacket off as she stepped off the plane and walked into the airport, the heat hitting her a little more than she had expected it to. Having no need for a suitcase and just her carry on made it quicker for her to get through security and soon she was hailing down a cab at the front entrance. It wouldn't take long until she would be at the hospital, where she only had to assume he would be. She didn't want to raise any suspicion by contacting him.

She didn't count on him trying to contact her though, and she could only laugh to herself slightly in the back of the taxi as she answered the call, "Hey, Shepherd."

"Afternoon, Grey?" she could hear the confusion in his voice and could picture his eyebrow quirking at her use of his surname.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" she asked, a small grin on her lips as the taxi pulled up outside the hospital, and she quickly paid the driver before he could say anything, signalling for him to keep the change.

"I missed you?" he said, more of a question, and she heard his slight chuckle, "You're in a perkier mood than yesterday."

"I had a good night's sleep," she shrugged, walking into the main entrance of the hospital, "How was your night shift?"

"Long, I'm only just finishing up now," he sighed, "Thought I'd call you before I grabbed a quick shower."

"A shower, hm?" she said, her voice lowering slightly as she headed in the direction of the residents lounge, where she knew she'd find him, "Sounds like that could be a lot of fun."

"I know that tone of voice," he murmured, his tone voice also deepening, and she caught sight of him ahead of her, facing away with his hand rubbing his jawline.

"And I know that one," she laughed softly before moving to stand in the doorway, leaning against the doorway.

"God, you can be such a tease sometimes," he chuckled, shaking his head.

She appraised him from the back a moment, biting her lip at the shape if his ass in his scrubs. She sighed softly, her voice coming out as a whisper, "I'm not the tease in this relationship."

"You...," she met his frown as he turned to face her, slowly morphing into shock as he met her eyes, "Meredith?"

"Told you I'm not a tease," she grinned, hanging up the phone and sliding it into her pocket.

Her heart raced as he met her in the doorway, a grin breaking out on his face as his arm went around her waist and lifted her slightly as he hugged her close. Her arms flew around his neck as she buried herself against him with a soft laugh.

"What are you doing here?" he murmured, pressing kisses against her hair.

"I missed you, I couldn't wait another month," she sighed, lifting her chin to look up at him, her tongue darting out over her bottom lip as his eyes melted into hers, "I couldn't."

"You're here now, I'm here," his hand cupped the side of her face as he pressed a gentle kiss against her lips.

"Your off now till Monday right?" she asked, pecking his lips gently, propped up on her tiptoes with her arms still locked around his neck.

"Yeah," he breathed, his nose skimming hers.

His fingers threaded through her hair, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she smiled up at him. They stayed stood like that, their eyes locked on one another for a moment longer, and she definitely didn't plan to move from where they stood anymore soon.

Well, that was until Mark Sloan's booming laughter came down the hallway, "I hope that's entirely platonic there Derek Shepherd, or your fiancée might having something to say about it!"

Meredith giggled softly, hiding her face again Derek's neck as he gripped her closer with a soft groan, "Sloan, are you quite finished?"

"I don't know, do I need to get Chief Grey down here?" Mark said, his tone completely serious.

Meredith reluctantly turned around, Derek's arms staying secured around her and she grinned at their friend, "Hey there, Mark, I'd rather you didn't call Chief Grey down here because she doesn't know I'm in the state, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Well that's a relief," Mark scoffed, grinning back at her as he reached to ruffle her hair, "Just looking out for you. Any chance I can go inside? I'm so ready for this shift to end."

"I guess," Derek shrugged, walking backwards with his arms still holding Meredith back against him, his lips lowering to her neck.

She laughed softly at the playful grimace on Mark's face as he appraised them, and shook his head as he turned to change, "I'll just change here and maybe Meredith will change her mind and get a drink with me."

"I don't believe that was ever an option, and it never will be," Meredith rolled her eyes, laughing as she tilted her head back against Derek's shoulder, "We should get out of here though, we might get dragged to dinner if my mom sees me."

"I wanted to shower first," he groaned softly, lowering his lips against her forehead.

"I want to shower too, though," she smiled, catching his eye and see the instant arousal at her words.

"That's us leaving," Derek said instantly, dropping one arm from around her to grab his bag off the bench.

"You two are... I think gross is the right word," Mark shook his head with a chuckle.

"Goodbye, Mark!" Meredith called, pulled against Derek's side as they headed out the room and she grabbed her bag on the way.

She couldn't keep the grin off her face as she leaned into his side, her arm around his middle as they were soon on the elevator down. This was what she had needed. To be close to him, his presence just instantly making her feel whole and strong, and ready to face anything.

Even if that anything would be more time without him.

And every day is like a battle,
But every night with us is like a dream.

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