Chapter 31

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Surprising Meredith was probably one of his favourite things to do. One of, because there were a lot of other favourite things he loved to do with her, but right now, he was going to be surprising her.

She had been the one to surprise him last, in a really big way, and he was pretty sure neither of them would ever beat that surprise for the rest of their lives. Their surprise baby. Which was actually part of his current surprise.

After their conversation earlier in the week, hearing how exhausted and run down she was, and seeing how tired she looked the following day over face time, he knew he had to do something to lift her spirits. So, he worked his ass off.

He begged for the time off. He got his Friday night ER shift covered, promising to cover it the following week even it meant doing two nights in a row. He'd do anything for Meredith. They had both agreed it made sense that when he finished the final month of his fellowship, finishing earlier than Meredith, as hers was a few weeks longer, he would go to Seattle first to start getting the house sorted, and then Meredith would join him when she was finished. They would focus on finishing their fellowships until they would see each other again.

But he couldn't help himself.

He needed to see her. He wanted to be there for her appointment. Bar the first one that he'd missed simply because he hadn't known about it, he wanted to be there for every appointment. Every scan, every check-up, and definitely for the birth of his child. Nothing could or would keep him away from that.

Stepping off the plane in Boston, he pulled his phone out to double check the time and see if he had any messages waiting from her. It was almost ten at night, and he probably wouldn't make it to her apartment until at least eleven. She'd said she was getting off work around ten, though, so hopefully she would still be awake.

He moved as quick as he could, not needing to wait for any luggage as he had managed to fit everything he needed into his carry on. He considered getting flowers, but that really wasn't her thing, and he knew she'd much prefer something edible.

Over the past week, her appetite had come back tenfold, which had definitely worked improving her mood and the nausea she'd been plagued with. And just on time, as it turned ten past the hour, she'd messaged him going on about her craving for taco bell. Lucky for him, she went into great detail about what it was she wanted exactly.

As soon as he got his rental car, that was his first stop. He'd fulfil her Taco Bell craving, and surprise her with his presence. He just wasn't sure which one would make her happier; he wouldn't mind if she was more excited for the Taco Bell, though.


Bag of food in hand, carry-on over his shoulder, he knocked on her apartment door. He had keys, that's how he'd made it this far into the building, but he knew it would be a terrible idea to just walk in. She might actually injure him, and he didn't want to spend the night in pain.

He heard a muted shuffling behind the door as she muttered to herself, probably having misplaced her keys. He couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself, but quickly recomposed his expression by the time she was unlocking the door and opening it.

"You said you wanted Taco Bell?" He said with a half-grin, holding up the bag of food to show her.

She didn't say anything. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him for a moment, but then she took him completely by surprise when she launched herself at him. She jumped up and he quickly caught her as she wrapped her legs around him. Her lips were on his in an instant, and he didn't even have to think about returning her kiss; it was basically instinct at this point.

He made sure to keep a tight hold on the bag of food, though. He imagined she wouldn't be too happy if it all fell on the floor, not that he wouldn't go out and replace it. He walked into the apartment, Meredith still clinging on to him and their lips still interlocked. He kicked the door shut behind him as his bag fell off his shoulder and he let it fall to the ground.

"Baby, I missed you too," he murmured between kisses, "But I have food."

"I know," she groaned softly, releasing the hold of her legs around his waist and setting her feet on the floor, "I'm so hungry."

"Take your food then," he chuckled, kissing her once more before she took the bag from him.

"You're fucking amazing, you know that right?" She said as she looked inside the bag, walking ahead of him to the couch.

"Doesn't hurt to hear it," he smirked, shrugging off his jacket.

He watched her for a moment, taking in the lounge wear she had on, a simple strappy top and shorts, her hair up in a messy bun. She sat with her legs crossed, the bag of food beside her, and his eyes dropped to her stomach. He hadn't had a chance to notice how she'd changed.

He went speechless as he approached her, kicking off his shoes and kneeling in front of where she sat.

"What are you doing?" She said quietly.

"That's our baby," he murmured, his palm laying flat against the slight swell of her stomach.

"Yeah," she grinned down at him, "I don't know what, or when... this morning when I woke up, it was just there."

"I love you so much," he whispered, leaning forward to press a kiss against her stomach.

"I love you too," she laughed softly, and he felt her fingers running through his hair.

"I meant the baby," he looked up at her with a playful smirk, "But I guess I love you too."

"You're lucky you brought food," she narrowed her eyes at him slightly.

He chuckled as she pulled out one of the burritos, starting to eat while keeping the fingers of her other hand in his hair. He lay his head in her lap, closing his eyes as he just breathed in her presence – and the smell of Taco Bell.

"I'm missing so much," he murmured, his hand gently rubbing her thigh.

"All you're missing is me being bloated and moody," she laughed softly around her food, and he knew she was trying to cheer him up, but it didn't help with the guilt.

"You know there's absolutely no way we'll be living apart again, right? You're stuck with me forever, I'm not missing anything else once we're in Seattle," he looked up at her with his head in her lap still, grinning at her expression of happiness just from the food she was eating, not missing the slight moans of pleasure she was making, "God, you're adorable."

"You're stuck with me too, Shepherd," she grinned down at him, offering him a bite of her burrito.

"I'm good, baby, that's for you and our prodigy," he smirked.

"Prodigy? High hopes and expectations for them already," she joked, continuing to eat, "how'd you get the time off anyway?"

"I pulled a few favours," he mumbled, his eyes closing as he felt exhaustion hitting him, "You've got me all weekend."

"Good, because I'm busy eating right now, but I've really, really missed you," she said, still stroking his hair, "In more of... I need you to rail me."

He couldn't help but bark out a laugh at her words, lifting his head finally and moving to sit beside her, his arm moving around her. She got comfier, snuggling up against him as she made her way through the bag of food. He pressed a kiss against the top of her head.

"Eat up, and I'll rail you as much as you want."

We've Got To Stop Meeting Like ThisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora