In My Head

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She took a deep breath before walking into the bar, spotting Derek stood by the bar talking with Mark. They appeared to be having a slightly heated discussion, but she couldn't decipher the subject of their conversation. She approached the bar and their conversation came to a halt as they noticed her. She didn't miss Derek's eyes surveying her body. She gave them a quick, nervous, smile in greeting before ordering her first tequila shot of the night.

Mark spoke up first, "Grey, you clean up well. Why so dressed up to drink on your own?"

She shrugged before downing the tequila shot and turned to them, trying to ignore Derek's presence, really, "I thought I was meeting someone here," her eyes caught Derek's gaze as she spoke, "Apparently, New York is a good place to meet people. And it's nice to dress up sometimes."

As the bartender served her a second shot, a group of girls entered the bar, one of them being that bloody Kepner girl again. She rolled her eyes at their sight, but realising where they were headed, her breath caught in her chest. They approached the area of bar Derek and Mark occupied, and she moved further down the bar, away from them. A moment later, Mark moved to sit close beside her, a grin on his face.

"Don't even try it, Mark," she smirked softly at him, wiping any evidence of betrayal off her face. Even if he weren't Derek's best friend, she wouldn't get involved with him, anyway, she knew how he was with women.

She eyed Kepner all over Derek, it was slightly embarrassing, but she struggled to look away. So, when Derek moved his arms around April's waist, pulling her close into a short kiss, she didn't miss it. And the knife of disappointment stabbed right through her chest. He obviously didn't mean that whole speech he'd given her before. She was stupid to believe it for even a second. Mark's hand touched her shoulder and he spoke in a softer tone, "Don't give up on him, Mer."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "I don't know what you're talking about, Mark."

He simply sighed and pulled her into a short hug, and as her chin rested on his shoulder a moment, she caught Derek's gaze, an unfamiliar rage in them. She pulled back from Mark's embrace, a playful expression on her face, "If you keep monopolising my time, how am I supposed to find someone to move on with?"

Mark laughed, attracting the attention of some of the girls who had entered the bar with Kepner, clearly curious to see who Mark was speaking with, but none within earshot of their actual conversation. "Mer, seriously. If you weren't staring at him so much, I'd actually try and believe you."

She scowled and downed another shot of tequila before stepping way from the bar, "I shouldn't have come to New York."

She turned around and retreated into the dimly lit beer garden to the back of the bar, needing the fresh air and escape from what she was witnessing inside the bar between Derek and April. She couldn't shake the look in his eyes that she'd seen. Was it jealousy? He had no right to be jealous. Why would he be?

She stood outside the bar. Why did she put the dress on? Well, yes it looked good, and she had to admit her ass looked great - but she was cold. None of her coats looked right with the dress is she had forgone wearing one and was now regretting it. She needed more tequila. Tequila would warm her up.

As she turned to head back inside, Derek appeared in the doorway and her breath caught. She bit her lip as she avoided his gaze, but he simply moved closer to her. For a moment, she started to lean towards him, before collecting herself again.

His eyes locked on her as he stepped outside, having followed her there. He couldn't help himself; he couldn't stop himself. He moved closer and he didn't miss the way they gravitated towards each other for a moment before she moved to step back.

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