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"Mer," he gently kissed her knuckles as she started to stir, before lowering his lips against her bare shoulder, and then her jaw, "We're here."

"Hmm," she groaned slightly, turning toward him, half asleep

"Come on, wake up," he chuckled, his other hand moving to her thigh with a gentle squeeze, "The plane is landing."

"Der, I'm tired," she moaned slightly, trying to bury herself in his shoulder.

"We can sleep when we get to the villa," he murmured.

He kissed the top of her head. When he reached to put her belt on for her when the light blinked ahead, he realised she had dozed off again against him.

He rested his head on hers, his nose buried in her hair slightly as the plane landed, his hand rubbing her thigh gently. He loved having her this close, even if she was asleep. Having her in his arms, being her presence meant everything to him.

The plane finally came to a still, and he kissed the top of her head again.

"Meredith, come on, we need to get off the plane in a minute."

"Okay," she murmured, yawning slightly as her face rubbed against his shirt.

He stood up, grabbing their carry-on bags from the overhead storage before he gently encouraged her to stand up, pulling on her hand. She stood but immediately leaned against him, her arm around the back of his waist. He moved his arm around her, keeping her against him as they got off the plane in a comfortable silence. He was pretty sure he'd never seen her this tired before, and he hoped she wasn't getting sick.

Soon enough, they were in a taxi on the way to the villa they'd booked. He sat in the back with Meredith as she leaned into him, not sleeping again but still quiet, still tired. He ran his fingers through her hair as his other hand held hers in his.

"Are you okay?" He murmured softly, kissing the top of her head.

"Hmm, I'm just super tired," she yawned softly, her hand covering her mouth, "I think the exhaustion of the past five years has just hit me all at once."

"I'm not surprised," he chuckled softly, "You've barely stopped."

"I don't work all the time," she murmured, being playfully petulant.

"I know, but you work hard," he laughed, "You deserve this break, and as soon as we get to the villa you can sleep for as long as you'd like."

"I'm not the only one who deserves this break," she gave him a small smile, reaching to peck his lips, "I love you."

"I love you too," he smiled back, touching his forehead to hers.

He couldn't wait to spend the next two weeks with her.


She must've slept for at least ten hours. The sky was dark when she woke, facing the open French doors that lead out to the balcony, the net curtains flowing in the light breeze. It wasn't cold; the room was slightly warm still even with the doors open. But it wasn't an uncomfortable warmth that made you instantly want to wash as soon as you woke.

Derek's arm lay loosely over her waist as he lay behind her, and she could feel his gentle breathing against her bare back. They hadn't gone straight to sleep when they got here, they'd spent too much time apart and were definitely going to be making the most of it. She wasn't surprised he was still sleeping when she'd been the one to sleep the whole plane ride. She was pretty sure he'd just watched her sleep.

She stretched her limbs, feeling a little sore from being lay still for too long, and she turned in the bed to face him. She traced along his jawline with her fingertips gently, still in disbelief that they were here, alone, for the next two weeks.

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