Chapter 14 - What's With Motorcycle Rides?

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Arien's POV

Here I am. Just standing by the doorway, frozen shock. I don't even know why. But it sucks.

Oh dang. Oh dang. Their here. Their here. What to do? What to do? Should I wake them up? Idiot no! Are you out of your mind?! Oh my gawsh, what should I do? What should I do?


Yeah. That's what anxiety looks like.

"Arien?"It was Jake, fully awake while rubbing his eyes.


"Are you okay? You look pale."he asked as he stood up. Others are slowly gaining their consciousness.

"N-No!"he was startled,"I-I'm fine. I'm really fine. Ha-hehe..."

"Arien?"this time, it was Shawn, he got up from the floor. I don't even know why he was there. Maybe too much alcohol.

"How come you're here? Did you're friends told you?"

"T-They didn't. And w-why would they tell me?"

"They were here last night."

So that's why Reina was so drunk and wasted last night. She's still a minor. But I don't know about these guys.

"Then how come you're here? You just coincidentally passed by and entered the house?"it was Ethan. I immediately shook my head.

"I wouldn't do that! I-I just found an invitation. Someone lost it."I told them and handed the invitation.

"I followed the address to return it. And it comes with a notebook."I added and took out the notebook from my bag.

John raised a hand. "That's mine."

"And to be honest, the invitation was meant for you."he said. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect any of this.

"F-For me?"he nodded.

"It's just that, you immediately left the cafeteria before we could give out the invitations to everyone."


There was an invisible awkwardness that I can only feel. I don't know what to do so I just looked around the room.

I spotted a wall clock.

It's already seven o'five in the morning. Oh no! I'm late!

"Uhm, uh.. I need to go now, I still have work. Here,"and I put the notebook and invitation on top of the nearest cabinet. "S-See you.."

I turned around and was about to leave when Ricky called.

"Wait! We can take you there. And we also need something to ease hunger. Hehe."he said as he scratched the back of his head.

"O-Okay."I'm running late already.


"Uhh, this is not okay..."

Me, looking horrified seeing them ride motorcycles. They brought four huge motorcycles. And, it doesn't look so safe for me.

"Don't worry, Arien. Ethan will take good care of you."Liam said, sitting on the pillion behind Ricky who's going to drive.


"Yeah. He's the only one who doesn't have a tandem. So you can ride with him."it was Shawn, starting his motorcycle with Jake behind him.

"Here,"Ethan handed me a helmet from the motorcycle box. "You can use that."

"T-Thank you..."I said and put it on. He got on the motorcycle and waited for me to finish putting it on. It has a strap that is suppose to be locked under the chin but I can't seem to do well. How do you do this?

"Tsk."Ethan flicked his tongue. "Come here."he ordered.

Others already took off and were the only ones left. Ricky with Liam, Shawn with Jake, and Jay with John. I don't want to be left behind.

I went near him and thankfully, he locked the straps quickly. If not, I would be beet red in just a few. It happens when I'm in contact with a guy, any freaking random guy except for my father. I hate it how I'm too sensitive with skin touch.

He started the motorcycle and I got onto the pillion.

"You might want to hold onto me."he said in a casual tone.

I hold onto the side cloth of his black hoodie he wore before going outside the house.

But I was startled when he suddenly took both of my hands and wrapped it around his body.

"You don't want to fly away, don't you?"he said and immediately rode off.

He wasn't wrong though. I almost flew away if I haven't tightened my grip on him.


We arrived at the coffee shop. If Ethan didn't tell me to let go of him, I wouldn't have. I don't want to ride a motorcycle again.

But maybe, just maybe, other girls might enjoy it. But not me. Nah-uh. Buuuutttt.....mayyybee...a little bit?

I immediately ran inside, seeing Emilia at the counter. She smiled at me.

"Well, isn't it your first time to be laaayyy...woah. I just saw a beauty...."what?

I turned around and found the seven of them just standing by the entrance. I guess I will agree with that.

There aren't much of a costumer since it's still early in the morning. Pastel is famous for its sweet snacks. Mostly popular at nine in the morning and three in the afternoon.

I went straight to the locker room and changed into my uniform.

After changing, I exited the room and found Emilia, frozen by the counter, staring deep into the souls of those seven guys as they playfully sat on one of the tables inside the cafe.

"H-Hey, Em? Have they ordered yet?"I asked her. She shook her head without looking at me. I slapped my forehead in disappointment.

I just took a ballpen and a notepad that was sitting on top of the counter and went to their table. I almost forgot the menu.

"So, what would you all like to order?"surprised that I ain't stuttering? Well, their my costumers.

They asked for the menu and I gave it to them. After they picked, I wrote their orders on the paper. I was about to leave when I remembered what I wanted to ask earlier.

"Uhm, who's birthday party was it?"

"You mean the last night?"Ricky.


"It was John's."

"Oh. Belated happy birthday then!"I greeted him and left. I heard a few of them chuckled. And did I misheard "cute"?

Nah. Impossible.

Or maybe they did. I don't like being assuming though. But I just can't help it.

Thirst - The Dark Side (Book I of the Thirst Trilogy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt