Chapter 12 - Lost Things Are Always Creepy

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Arien's POV

Days passed. School had been fun and great. Reina delivering her gossips, Klarissa having her daily rant about school, boys and b*tches, and Poly just being her weird yet adorable self.

And in those days, I have been avoiding those seven guys at school. And sometimes I'm thankful that they were absent in class.

I don't want something like the coffee shop incident happen again. I don't like chaos, expecially when it involves verbal and physical pain. I can't handle those. 

I was peacefully eating my fried chicken with a bowl of fried rice when we all heard the cafeteria doors' opened with the chime. I almost choked when I found out it was those guys. I grabbed a glass of water to ease it.

"They are really handsome...."



Ugh. Compliments. One of the things I hated the most.

I turned away when they passed nearby us and sat in one of the darkest corner of the cafeteria. One of their usual spot.

I secretly observed them. Jake and Shawn went to the counter to buy some foods while the others sat comfortably in their table.

A few moments later and they came back to the table and gave the others their own foods. Except Ethan.

There's no food in front of him. Instead, he took out a glass bottle that I think it contains a red liquid. Is it wine? Seriously?

And that was his meal for lunch time. How weird. Is he on a diet? Was that liquid laxative? Just kidding. I'm just guessing.

I just shrugged it off and continued to eat my lunch until my phone rang. It was an alarm.

"Uhm guys, I need to go to the library. Catch up with you later."I told them and went dashing towards the door.

I finally reached the library and went to find the book I need to study. I don't wanna fail school you know. It'll be hard to have failing grades and trying to catch up with everything even though I can't.

Suddenly, I heard the bell rang. Oh sh*t. I fell asleep.

I immediately went to fix my things and returned the book to where it belongs before rushing to the library's exit.

I was panting when I reached the classroom. I spotted Reina sitting on one of the chairs so I sat on the empty chair beside her.

"Finally, you're here. I wanted to tell you someth—"

But her sentence was interrupted when our teacher entered the classroom.

"Good afternoon class."she greeted and we greeted back.

"Tsk. Wrong timing. I'll just tell you later."she said and went back to watching the front. What was it all about?

I just shrugged it off and listened to the teacher for the whole time.


"Bye now. I'll see you on Monday."and I waved my hand for the last time at those girls and entered the car. Franklin drove off towards where the cafe is.

"Mr. Levid's sons are at school today. You aren't going pick them up?"I asked. He also brought Mr. Levid's black car, not the van.

"They told me they won't be home tonight and they don't have to be picked up."

"Oh. Okay."

A few moments later and we arrived at Pastel. I got out of the car and Franklin left to go home.

It felt to be a short day.


10:00 pm.

I puffed out some air. Well, this had been a tiring night. But I won't worry about that. Tomorrow's Saturday, I can rest all day.

Oh wait. I still have work tomorrow. Dang it.

Guess, I'll just wait for Sunday to come.

I went to the locker and changed back into my school uniform. I grabbed my backpack and finally exited the room.

"I'll be going now. See you again tomorrow, Emilia, Nathan."

"Yeah, yeah. We'll be closing the cafe in just a short while. Take care."Emilia said her goodbye.

"Bye kiddo."Nathan said as he just got out from the kitchen and rubbing his wet hands against his apron.



I just walked to the nearest bus stop where I could wait for a taxi to pass by. It's too tiring to just stand by the road. It might have been much cheaper to ride on buses, but buses can't take me up to Mr. Levid's gate. That's what sucks.

I arrived at the bus stop. I sighed and was about to sit on the bench when I noticed a notebook on it. Who left it here? Tsk. They should take more good care with their things.

I scanned through the papers but it seems that this notebook is untouch. But something is in between the pages.

I pulled it out and it was a black envelope. It was an invitation.

An Invitation To Our Bloody Birthday Party

Seriously? Bloody? Bloody with some whisky, you say. An invitation card was inside the envelope with a few sentences written on it. It looks like a poem though.

You're invited to our bloody birthday party.

Sometimes, walking down the deadly path
Without fleeing from death itself
Can give rise to the most wondrous creation

We hope you will be able to come.

Well, this sent something weird inside my system.

I cautiously looked around. I just felt some eyes staring at me a few moments ago. I did felt it. But no one was around. The road and streets were empty. This is not good.

Thankfully, a taxi passed by and I immediately waved a hand at it. It stopped and I had no choice but to just bring the notebook and invitation with me.

While inside the taxi, I turned the paper around and noticed an address. Should I go or not? They might let me in since I have an invitation.


I better have some sleep.


But before I went to bed, Reina called, sh*t drunk on the phone.

"This is damn bloody!"

And I ended it. I don't want to deal with her drunk self. I bet she has Klarissa with her anyway.

I flopped onto my bed and immediately wandered inside my paradise.



Credits to the invitation contents. I just copied it. Better be honest.

If you have an idea where I took it from, then you will know what inspired me to write this book.

I also wrote it here as a clue. Better find it out and be inspired too.

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