Prologue - Apartment Search

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Arien's POV

"I'll just look for my own place to stay mum. I'm sure the city will have a lot of free space. It wouldn't be too hard to find one, right?"

I can still vividly remember the sentence that I told my parents and I'm experiencing the opposite of it right now.

Every apartment is taken, and the empty ones are for rich people which costs a couple hundred thousand a month. Isn't that too absurd?

I sighed as I stride tiredly by the streets. I finally found a bench where I could rest for a bit and start to look for a place to stay for the next two years if I'm lucky.

Every student dreams of studying in a prestigious school to have a better future. And so I did. I passed the entrance exam, filled up the enrollment form and a couple of days from now, I will be able to attend my most wanted high school.

And this is the only problem. Not finding a place to rent.

I've never stayed in the city for long. We only get to come here on holidays because my aunt is living here alone on her own and we understand whenever she feels blue. So we always visit her.

Since I'm an expert in directions, I stood up from the bench and started to walk until I reached aunt's small bakery and coffee shop.

It's a very cozy and woody themed place. A lime and brown colored walls and old looking chairs and tables to match the atmosphere. And every time you enter, you can smell the roasted coffee beans and baking bread inside.

I went inside and go straight to the counter to order my most favorite snacks. The 3C's and tiramisu. 3C's is short for 'Cold Choco Coffee'.

I went to find a table and found one just beside the window. Once I was seated, I admired the busy city outside and the thought of living in this kind of place is quite nice than in the far corner of the country.

"How's life going, Ari?"I suddenly heard aunt's voice. I turned to the woman in her late forties and carrying my order that she's now transferring onto my table.

"It's quite hard right now, auntie. I can't find any place that's near my school or in average or cheap prices. I also can't afford those near yet mind-blowing rent."I answered honestly.

"Well, that's how life is here in the city. It's either you get the lowest quality or the luxury. Nothing's balanced or neutral. We just live with it.

That's why we moved to Verone. It's much peaceful and the life there is simple. Not too fancy, but not too poorly. But I guess, we still end up here in the end."she said, as she sat down on the chair in front of me, still holding the food tray she brought for my order.

Aunt was a former elementary teacher in our hometown. She was born here in the city of Camerone but moved because they had hardships while living.

She bought a house and lot here in the city before she retired from teaching and came back here to just run her own bakery and coffee shop.

"You can also stay here with me if you want. I still have a small space upstairs."she offered. Her house is suppose to be two storey. Instead of renting another place for her shop, she just renovated the first floor.

"Thanks auntie but, I've already decided to start my life here in the city independently. I like my life to be challenging so, here I am, making it to be one."I answered in a polite way.

"Okay, okay. I do understand you. But if anything happens, you can always ride a cab or bus and come to me. Your parents are away and I'm the only one here who's related to you in this place."

"Of course, auntie. Thank you for offering your help."

"No problem. Anyway, I'll be going back to the kitchen. Enjoy your drink."she said and left.

Good thing, aunt's here to help me. If not, I'll be one of the stray cats who roams in a tiger's cage.

I finished the food I ordered and bid goodbye to aunt who's at the counter now. I exited the shop and went to look for apartments or any boarding houses anywhere near my school.

After a couple moments of walks, I stopped in front of a pedestrian lane to cross. I saw an apartment building across and I might want to check it out.

There's still time before people can cross so I stood there and waited. A few seconds later, my phone ringed. I took it from my shoulder bag only to find mum's text.

- Be home before dinner. Hope you find a nice place. Not too cheap and not too expensive. Just right.

"Heard of that a couple of times. Sheesh. No need to repeat."I mumbled and heard the traffic light go green for crossing. I walked as I put my phone back inside my bag but became deaf with the shout I received from someone.


I never knew what really happened, but all I saw was a motorcycle dashing towards me before my sight turned black.


I woke up in an unknown place with my head still spinning a bit.

What happened? I asked myself.

Oh wait, did I get into an accident? Great. What an unlucky day.

"You're awake."I heard a man's voice.

Thankfully, my vision became clear and I realized I'm in a hospital. A doctor was standing beside my bed, observing me.

"How are you feeling?"he asked.

"I'm feeling kind of dizzy."I answered. "What happened, doc?"I added a question.

"You bumped into a motorcycle. Thankfully, nothing serious happened to you. A few bruises and your head is affected because of your fall."he answered.

"What about the motorcycle?"I asked, again.

"As it turns out, the riders robbed a bank meters away from the accident. If it wasn't for you, they wouldn't be caught."

What a horrible silver lining it is.

"Can I asked what time it is?"

He looked at his watch. "It's five in the afternoon."

"Oh no." I got up from the bed and felt the dizziness yet I endured it. I saw my things on the bedside table and picked them up. "I still need to find a place and go home. Tsk."

"You still need to rest a bit young lady. Or the dizziness might worsen."the doctor warned me.

"I think I'm just going to be fine doc. Thank you for your concern but, I still need to look for an apartment and go home before dinner. But I bet their already preparing now...."

"You're looking for a place?"he asked, looking interested.

To be honest, I find this doctor a bit weird. He's too......white. Yeah. White. Like white as snow.

"Ah, yes..."I answered, a bit doubtful.

"I can help you with that. First, just stay there. I'll be taking care of your bill."he said and left me hanging.

What's up with that?

Thirst - The Dark Side (Book I of the Thirst Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now