Chapter 3 - Being Left Alone Is Always A Bad Thing

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Arien's POV

"What happened to grandma?"I asked, worried. We are now inside the car, going to pick up Andrei at Aunt's place.

"Your Aunt Linda called last night while you were all in bed. Mother had an heart attack and she have to be hospitalized for who knows how long."

Aunt Linda is Dad's another older sister who lives in another city with her family together with grandma. Aunt Linda is the eldest, Aunt Lea is the middle child who owns a bakery and coffee shop and Dad is the youngest.

"You're Aunt Lea already knew about this and we are all going to Harvey tomorrow. Linda also needs to work so we have to take turns on taking care of your grandmother."he answered.

"Wait, but how about me? My school? It will only take a few days right?"I asked.

"Well, since the place where you decided to rent is a good and safe one, we will be leaving you here. We don't really know when mom's condition will be fine. And we can easily take care of Andrei's transfer since he's still in elementary. But since your in senior high and your obsessed with that university, we don't have any choice."

"You can take care of yourself just fine, right?"mum butted in. I just nodded.

I couldn't argue much further. This is about grandma and they are going to leave to take care of her. That's fine with me being left behind if the outcome will be grandma's fine condition.

We dropped by the bakery to fetch Andrei and tasted the cookies he made together with Aunt Lea. We stayed a bit more longer since they still need to talk about how they will leave for tomorrow.


The time has come for me to leave the house and be on my own for two years or more. In just the age of sixteen, I will be living on my own inside a mansion with a landlord which is still a mystery to me.

"Always be careful dear. Your dad or me might return every two weeks to take care of our business and we can also check up on you."mum said.

"I'll be fine mum. Also, greet grandma for me. It's been long since the last time we visited her together. And now, I can't come with you."I replied, a bit disappointed.

"That's okay. You can come with us during your semester break. It might take some time but atleast you get to visit her."

I just packed my things last night and it took me until three in the morning. I loaded my stuff onto the car and also their stuff since they are leaving too.

I sat at the back together with my brother. I put on my headphones and listened to my favorite playlist. And I didn't realize, I fell asleep. Well, lacking sleep results to unexpected ones.


"Hey... Ari? Ari.. Arien... Wake up dear. We arrived at your boarding house. Why you didn't tell me it was a mansion?"I heard Aunt Lea's voice.

I slowly opened my eyes, and yeah. We're in front of the house now. Maybe on the way here, they picked up Auntie and they will go together to Harvey.

"Hey auntie. Yeah, this is the place."I answered her.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

I just sensed that they were all looking at me, their eyes telling me to get off the car, take my baggages and they have to leave.

"Okay, okay. I'm getting off. Sheesh. You all want to leave me here, don't you?"and made a sound of disappointment with my tongue.

"Of course not, dear. If only we could bring you along too."mum spoke.

"Well, it's okay. I'll be just fine. You can leave after I unload my luggages."I said and smiled.

I took my bags from the back and as the car drove away from the mansion where I stood, I waved my hand to tell them goodbye.

"Can I help you with that ma'am?"Meredith, who was still here asked.

"Oh, okay. They're a bit heavy though."I told her. She took the bags that she can carry and we both climbed up the stairs to the second floor.

"Is Eria here?"I asked her.

"She just left to go to her parents, ma'am."she answered.

We both stopped by the door of my room. I opened it and we both entered. We both dropped my luggages on the floor and Meredith excused herself. She also told me that Mr. Levid left for a business trip early in the morning and won't be back for a couple of days.

I opened the window so it would be a bit more brighter inside the room. I just realized now that there's a small balcony behind the curtains I just opened.

I went out only to see the beauty of the green forest. My room is at the back of the mansion so plain trees are the only things I could see and some wild animals that comes by.

I hope this will be a nice stay.


"I thought there would be a couple more days you could stay here."I told her.

Its been just two days after I moved here and now Eria is the one who's leaving.

"I wish I could stay longer but, my time is over here. I'm really sorry for leaving you alone in this household. Don't worry, you'll be just fine. Just like he promised..."she said, a few words are a bit unclear but I just shook it off.

She loaded her luggages lying on the ground into the back of her car. I never knew she would leave today. She just quietly packed last night too.

"Have a safe ride. And, come visit me if ever you get to come home."I said.

"I hope I could come by. I'll be going now Arien. See you next time."she said as she went inside her car, and drove away, me being left behind again.

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