Chapter 7 - Uninvited Yet Welcomed Guests

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Arien's POV

And because I am a scaredy cat, I rushed to my room, shut the door, locked it, and every opening inside that place and went hiding under my blanket.

And I didn't realized I fell asleep.



I was woken up and startled by the sudden outburst of Mr. Levid's voice. It boomed like a bomb and the anger is obvious in it.

I turned to the wall clock inside my room and I was surprised that it's already seven in the evening. I slept too much.

I hurriedly went out of my room and found the stressed Mr. Levid sitting on one of the misplaced couch, massaging his temples.

"I just found out about the mess when I got here, Mr. Levid. I'm sorry if I didn't clean it up even though I didn't do it."I told him. He looked up at me.

"Don't worry. I don't blame you for not cleaning it up. And I know who made this mess and they should be the one cleaning it."he said. He knew who?


"My sons."


"You have a son?!"

"Sons. With 's'."Oh sh*t.

"They just got here from Winston last night. I apologize for not telling you Arien."he said.

"Then why didn't you tell me in the first place, sir?"I said, being polite.

"Because I wasn't planning to let them stay here today. I was going to tell you that they're coming over before they could come here. Yet here they are, messing with the house."he answered.

"Did you tell it to my parents?"I asked.

"I did, but it seems that, they forgot to tell you."he said.

I closed my eyes. Seriously?

"I'm sorry for the mess, father. I was asleep and forgot that I was looking after them."a guy that looks like just my age came down from the stairs.

He has this innocent cute face. You might mistaken him as a kid if he's short but he's tall. His nose is excellently carved, and looks like he holds authority over everyone else.

I was in dazed for a few moments until he met my eyes. I immediately turned away.

"Oh, this is my sixth son, John."Mr. Levid introduced. He bowed for a bit towards my direction. "John, this is Arien, my new renter."

"Nice to meet you."he greeted casually. I just nodded, a bit shy.

Well, I'm always shy when meeting new people, much more when it's a boy, a handsome one. Dang it. I really hate myself for being like this.

"Where are the others?"his father asked him.

"They're in their own rooms. Afraid to see your angry face."he said.

"Call them. They need to clean up this mess , if not, you all won't get what you wanted."Mr. Levid threatened.

I was surprised when John looked at me for the last time before climbing up the stairs to call the others.

"How many, sons do you actually have, Mr. Levid?"I finally get to ask.

"Seven sons."he answered without hesitation.

"No...daughters?"I asked. He turned to me.

"Sorry to disappoint but, no."

Oh great. Do I need to get out of the house then? Being the only girl here seems, awkward. And boys are, I think of them as dangerous. That's why I never had a guy friend. Cause I'm always conscious around them. And that sucks.

And because of the sudden happening and I just woke up, I went to the kitchen while Mr. Levid went to his office. I haven't eaten dinner yet.

The kitchen was still a mess, and there was nothing to eat. Oh dang it. I hate it when I don't have anything to eat and I'm already hungry.

I calmed myself. I should ask Mr. Levid about buying the food stocks later.

I just took a mug from the cup board and thankfully there are still some warm water in the thermos to use for a hot choco drink.

But when I got at the living area, it was already clean and the mess wasn't visible in my eyes. They cleaned it up so fast? How can that be?

And I almost dropped the mug I was holding when I saw seven guys sitting on the two long couches. They seem to feel my presence because they all turned to my direction. I cleared my throat because it was too dry from nervousness.

"A-Ah...Uhm...I'm just going to..h-head to my room..."I said, already stepping on one step of the staircase leading to the second floor.

I was about to leave when John, the sixth son spoke.

"Ms. Arien, my father might want to introduce you to us, and us to you. I hope you sit here with us."

"O-Okay then..."I agreed.

There were two long and two single couches in the living area surrounding the coffee table in the middle. I sat on one of the single couches and had no choice but to look down because they were all eyeing at me intently.

But for some reason, they all turned away from me and just did what they can do while sitting. I just fiddled with my cup of drink. I almost finished it if not for Mr. Levid coming over.

"You all have been waiting for me, huh?"he spoke. "You boys haven't cleaned the kitchen. You have to do that after this meeting."

Those seven boys cursed under their breaths. It's their mess anyway.

"Arien, I apologize again for not telling you I have my children."Mr. Levid said.

"Apology accepted, sir."I replied.

"Would you still want to stay here?"

That, I'm not certain.

"I don't know Mr. Levid. It might depend on the situation."I answered honestly.

I can't risk being homeless in the middle of school days and my parents aren't back home yet. I don't know what to do since I don't have anyone to rely on.

"Well, I'd like you to meet my seven sons."Mr. Levid started.

I hope I could last here without falling for their beauty.

Thirst - The Dark Side (Book I of the Thirst Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora