Facing The Past For The Future

Start from the beginning

"Seriously Yumi? Does this help?" Dabi said angrily. He raised his right hand and a burst of bright blue flames emitted from it. Fuyumi's eyes widened and she stumbled back in surprise. Her eyes showed both horror, surprise, hope and unbelievability. She put a hand to her mouth and stepped back, shaking her head from side to side, refusing to believe what Dabi had just told her.

"No," she said, still in completely shock and befuddlement. "I-I watched hi-him die," Fuyumi said, tears starting to roll down her cheek. Dabi sighed and put his hands down into his pockets,

"I know it is hard to believe. But if you need proof. Ask one of our parents, I was interrogated about a week ago about Izuku Yagi," Dabi said. In a moment of bravery, but on the inside desperation. Dabi gave the best smile he could and stretched out his arms in a gesture of wanting a hug. 

"I'm sorry I left, especially like that. But I never forgot," he said softly.  Fuyumi stared at him, she still had her hand over her mouth but it was quivering. Her entire body looked like it would topple over any second. Tears had rolled down her face and a sob cracked out from her. She then ran to Dabi, wrapping her hands around him and cried. Dabi embraced her and held her tight, patting her head.

"I missed you," Dabi heard her say through muffled sobs. If Dabi could cry he would be bawling right now but he burned his tear ducts of a long time ago. He sighed and hugged her tighter.

"I missed you too Yumi, and I am very sorry," Dabi said weakly as he tried not to cough out the unused tears that he can't produce.

Eventually Dabi was taken inside and he sat with Fuyumi at the kitchen table. He got a glass of water to have and the two started to talk, catching up with each other. 

"So have you become a teacher? You finished Uni last year right?" Dabi asked, taking a sip of his water. Fuyumi smiled at him as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Yeah, I'm a kindergarten teacher now and I love it," Fuyumi answered. She sighed and put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You have been doing illegal things haven't you?" Fuyumi asked. Dabi frowns but nods his head.

"Nothing to get me more than a year. I mainly do abuse things and info broking. Information and stuff," Dabi answers, swirling the water in his glass. Fuyumi sighs and crosses her arms over each other, putting her elbows on the table. 

"What happened Touya? Why didn't you come home and," she pauses for a second, collecting herself. "How are you alive?" she asked. Dabi doesn't say anything for a while, seemingly in thought as he came up with an answer. Dabi then groaned, stretching in his chair but not facing Fuyumi when he sat back normally.

"I'm not really alive am I?" Dabi laughs hollowly. He outstretched his arms showing more of his burned skin to Fuyumi, "I look like a corpse that wasn't cremated properly," Dabi jokes, shaking his head. "For why I never came home," Dabi said, before looking up at the ceiling. Fuyumi can see the pained expression on his face.

"There are multiple reasons for why I didn't comeback," Dabi said. He waits for a while. The air becoming tense. Fuyumi watches Dabi or Touya's face. He is neutral for the most part but his eyes narrow for a few seconds. She watched one time as his face scrunched up and bile in disgust.

"I was scared. Scared of Enji, scared of Rei. I was scared of how I looked and what you and Natsuo would have thought of me. I was angry and I wanted an escape. Spiteful and just hatred of the four out the six people who live here," Dabi said with mixed emotions. Fuyumi noted the fact he called their mom and dad by their actual names.

"How, how are you alive?" Fuyumi asked again. Dabi just shrugs and takes another sip of his water. He sighs as he puts it down before leaning back into his chair, putting an arm over the back across it.

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