Chapter 71: Well Fuck Me Gently With A Chainsaw

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Song quote: Candy Store
Honey, watchu waitin' for? Welcome to my candy store
You just gotta prove you're not a pussy anymore
Then step into my candy store
You can join the team, or you can bitch and moan
You can live the dream, or you can die alone
You can fly with eagles or if you prefer
Keep on testing me and end up like her!
"Veronica look! Ram invited me to his homecoming party! This proves he's been thinking about me!"
"Color me stoked."
"I'm so happy!"
Woah! Honey, watchu waiting for--

(i love this song so much omg)

Your Pov:

You woke up to a loud thud sound from nearby. You hastily got yourself up and looked around, turning your head left and right only to see a bag filled with stuff had tipped over and fallen on its side.

Of course, a few things fell out, but it didn't seem like anything was fragile inside of it.

You let out a sigh and were thankful that it wasn't someone who decided to just break into the room you were in, or even somewhere nearby.

Finding yourself waking up at a quite familiar couch, and of course, you were in your apartment.

Looking over to the side where the window was, you flinched once you saw a giant teddy bear right next to the window, sitting there.

Right. You went to the mall yesterday with the Daehyeon guys. You had a lot of fun, even being able to listen to Dean's playlist. He had a pretty great taste in music.

Much to your surprise, the same artist he listened to was also named Dean. What a coincidence.

You sat there, not knowing what to do. You had a lot of fun just by remembering the moments from yesterday, and you were enjoying it.

Until something popped up in your head.

Was it the kiss? Perhaps.

Pretty bold of Eunchan to do, and you thought that all the others who put you in a kabedon or did something that made you flustered were bold.

Out of all of them, Eunchan was the boldest.

Though, that wasn't the thing. Rather, it was something else.

"I FORGOT ABOUT MY PART-TIME JOB!" Exclaiming as you put your hands on your head, desperately in search for your phone to shoot your boss a text that you'll be gone for about a month or so due to you 'falling off your bike.' When in reality, you actually just got kidnapped by some insane high school dropouts.

Right after you sent the text, you expected to get a strict and angry reply back. But actually, your boss was really understanding and said that she'll give you all the time you need until you heal up and are able to come back to the cafe.

You were thankful you didn't lose your job due to some dropouts kidnapping you for information.

You took your phone with you before making your way over to your crutches to just cook something for breakfast. You were pretty hungry after all.

Once you got to your kitchen, you were met with a plate of (f/f)* and a note placed right next to it.

*favorite food btw, not flavor lmao

You picked up the note and your eyes scanned through it, reading what it said.

yo, (y/n). I stopped by your apartment earlier since Jake asked me to drop off something and also check on you. (Don't ask how I got in.) I don't know when you're going to wake up, but I made this for you. Hopefully you'll like it.

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