Chapter 16: "You think I can 'chillax'?!"

Start from the beginning

He gestured for me to take a seat so I did while he stands up and paced while telling his story, "Okay, so remember that I told you secretly that I got a job?" 

"Wait, did you get a job as a teacher?" I asked him with pure horror (Eric Bronze? A teacher?! Never thought that that day would come). 

"No-no. Stop cutting me. Okay, so I decided to become a person's secret or private bodyguard. You see, the... uh... italianmafiamademeyourprivatebodyguardbuttheyplannedthatyoudidn'tknowaboutitbecausetheydon'twantyoutothinkthattheythinkthatyouarenotcapableofprotectingyourself." Eric said quickly in one breath. 

"Excuse me? The Italian Mafia made you my private bodyguard but they planned that I didn't know about it because they don't want me to think that they think that I am not capable of protecting myself?!" I asked angrily and stood up to my feet and stand in front of Eric in less than 2 seconds. 

"Don't be mad at me. It wasn't my fault that the Italian Mafia hired me to be your bodyguard." 

I let out a tired sigh, pinched the bridge of my nose and close my eyes. I don't need a bodyguard, especially if that bodyguard is my manager who knows what I am capable of. 

"They- they didn't know about your identity right?" I hesitantly asked, a bit afraid of the answer. 

"No, they don't. They don't even know me in the underworld, so relax." Eric told me, trying to comfort or calm me down from my almost panic state. 

"Would you please stop saying the world 'relax' or 'chillax'?" 


"Because it isn't helping me to relax or stay calm. The Italian Mafia who is now my adoptive family is not going to be happy if they found out that you are the manager of the new champion in the underworld." I hissed. 

Trust me, if my adoptive family know that he is the manager for Death's Queen, they could use him to make me join the mafia or reveal my identity or even both! I can't risk them knowing my secret underworld identity. If they figure it out, I would call it doom's day. Not only will I be pushed from my family but they could harm Eric. I don't want that to happen. 

--- Time skip to the Library --- 

I walked from shelf to shelf trying to take my mind off Eric and I's talk. It is very hard to ignore it because my and Eric's secret identity is at stake. I couldn't lose my new family if they did figure out who I am. But one day, I will have to show them my identity. I couldn't- I couldn't keep this whole thing a secret because it is like as if they love my other half face and not me- not my real me. One day, when the time is right, I will tell them. I don't know when but if it takes a few months or even years for the right time, then so be it. I need to be underground (another word for staying hidden) and under the radar. 

Then, I remember something. I need to send the twins and the orphanage some money. I need to send at $15 000. I will do it later. Now, since I am at school, I have to pick a novel or book for me to read and make a review. Apparently, book review happened once every 2 months. I just ran my hands through book covers until one particular book cover made my hand stop. I picked the book out and the title is (okay, don't laugh) 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief'. They have this book at school? I have read it thrice back in the orphanage. This will make it very easy because I still remember the story, so I don't need to reread the novel to complete this book review. 

I walked to 'Mr. Hale' and gave him the book. 'Mr. Hale' looked at the book, took it and wrote my name in a paper of lists. In the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, there is a small number written on the book cover and it is number 19P61. After 'Mr. Hale' finished writing the number in the lists and gave me a sheet of paper for me to write the reviews, I then left. 

Dad picked me up but he seemed to be in a hurry. Mafia business huh? Let's see about that business. 

"You seem to be in a hurry." I commented as I looked out of the window.

"Yeah, business." 

"Mafia business, I suppose." 


"Can I join in?" I asked by cutting him off. 

He almost slammed the brake down but thankfully didn't because this car could flip he did step on the brake like that. 

"No. It's not safe." He said with a fatherly tone. 

"Who are you even having business with?" 

"The German Mafia." He answered before taking a right turn. 

"Are you doing your plans or business through zoom?" I asked curiously as I leaned forward.


"Then how is it dangerous?"

"Well, they could know about you and I don't want you to get hurt." Dad said and I somehow not roll my eyes at his protectiveness. 

"Chill dad, I will not be seen in the cam. I just want to hear it." 

Dad's eyebrows perked up and he just nodded before adding. "Are you sure you want to hear it? He will be talking in German. I doubt you'll understand." 

"I'll manage." I say smugly. 

Apparently, they still haven't figure out that I can actually speak different languages. What? I want to keep this a secret. It would be fun to see the shock in mom and dad's eyes when I did understand the languages. With that thought, I have a hidden smirk on my face.

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