#1 First Day

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Words: 1246

—— HyunMin POV ——

After the longest cab ride of my life, I finally arrived outside the new school I'm attending. I got out of the car and the driver helped me get my luggage out of the trunk of the car. After that I paid and watched for a few seconds as he drove off, before turning around to face the school and its campus.

The campus is built up of five different buildings, three of which I can see from where I'm standing. The two smaller of the three, house multiple stories full of dorm rooms and other necessities for all the students attending the school. The third and the biggest is the actual school. It's about the same size as the two smaller buildings put together.

The two buildings that I can't see from here are more dorms for the students and maybe the teachers as well. I mean they have to rest too, at least some of them do.

I pick up my backpack and put it on my back before grabbing my big sports bag and suitcase. When I have all my things I start making my way over to where which room you are staying in is displayed.

Kim HyunMin, Kim HyunMin, Kim Hyu- there. Room 2208, with a 'Han JiSung'. After finding what room I'm staying in, I back away from the wall to give space to other new students. If I remember correctly, that means the second story in building two.

I start walking, following the signs towards building two. After walking for a bit, my brain catches up to my thoughts. Making me stop in my tracks. I thought humans were on the lower floors in all the buildings. After a second I continue on my way to the building. Maybe only the first floor is designated for humans in this building.

When I arrive I walk through the front door and look around to see where the stairs are, or even better an elevator. After finding it I enter it and press the button for floor two.

As the elevator door opens I walk out into the corridor and enter the door with the right dorm room numbers on it, leading me to a hallway full of dorms. The hallway is full of other students, other human students, trying to get their stuff into the correct rooms. I shouldn't be here.

The walls are painted a light gray and they are completely empty, except for a clock on the wall opposite the door. It's actually kind of nice.

Making my way through all the students to the door with a big '2208' written on it, I do my best to blend in and not stick out. All whilst planning my next move. I should have listened to my gut. It's always right.

The plan is to put all my stuff in the room and then go down to the office and ask if it's a mistake. No, to tell them there has been a mistake.

I let go of the suitcase and swung the door open, the room was bigger than I thought and way too bright. With the white walls and the two big windows, way too much sunlight came in and bounced around in the room.

In each of the far corners was a bed, both nicely made. Next to both beds is a smaller wooden table with a light and an alarm clock. At the end of the rightmost bed, there is a couch that looks like it can be made into a bed. At the end of the other bed, there is first a door, I'm guessing bathroom. The door is followed by a pretty big wooden closet. There is another similar closet on the right side of the room, against the wall next to the door.

All colours in the room, except the closets and bedside tables, are light and neutral. The wood is in contrast to all the light colours a chestnut brown.

Walking inside I put down all my stuff in the corner in front of the couch, before going back to close the door. The first thing I do after the door is closed is to cover the two windows as best I can. While covering the second window the door behind me swings open, slamming against the wall.

I turn around to see a boy that looks to be my age. But you never know. He has on an all black outfit, jacket and pants, even shoes. It looked good and matched with his kinda messy hair, the good kind of messy. The hair was black and blond, the sections placed randomly across his head. His face was sweet and kind, despite the stress evident on it.

Not hearing a heartbeat coming from him I can say that he is also a vampire. Good.

He quickly drops his stuff on the floor to get the door shut. "Han JiSung, I'm guessing." He jumps slightly before turning around to face me. "Yeah" He answers while letting out a soft sigh, then continuing, "Kim HyunMin?" I nod.

After a moment of silence I continued, "I was going to go down to the office to ask about..." I motion around the room. "...this" He smiles a little as he answers. "Good idea. Although, since we are both vampires I'm thinking it isn't just a mistake." As he finishes the statement his face is scrunched in thought.

"Yeah, I thought of that too... But I still wanna ask about it. It's weird. Right?" He nods and goes to pick up his stuff and places it next to my things. While he does that I turn around again and finish covering the second window. Why am I doing this? It's a mistake I'm not staying here.

Turning around I ask, "Do you wanna come with or stay here?" He walks over to the door and opens it while answering, "I'm coming with you." "Ok, let's go." I exit the door and he follows after me, locking the door behind him.

At the office there aren't as many people as I thought there would be. We had to wait a few minutes before it was our turn. "Hello, how can I help you?" The lady at the desk asked as soon as the person before us was done. "Hi, we were just wondering if there has been a mistake somewhere." She looked a little confused, but mostly worried as she answered "I hope not, let me see. What would be the mistake?"

"Well, we have been placed in a room on a human floor." I answer and JiSung adds, "Shouldn't we be on a floor for vampires?"

The lady looked down on her computer for a little bit, "Aah, that's right, it completely slipped my mind." She looked up from the computer with a smile on her face, "We were a little short on dorms on the vampire floors. So the two of you and another pair are staying on a human floor." She pauses for a second to take in our shocked faces before continuing, "It is simply a question of space. I'm sorry, but I hope it will work and that everyone behaves." The statement ended in a firm tone even though she had that same smile still on her face.

We thank her and make our way back to building two. Halfway there we are both startled by a deep voice calling out, "JiSung!" 

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