#5 Getting To Class

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Words: 1097

—— HyunMin POV ——

"Hi" I say.

This is awkward.

"So, how have you been? You never came back after that night." HongJoong asked with a smile on his face.

"Good, I guess, and I never needed to." I respond, trying to sound confident and comfortable. He smiles a little wider, looking like a proud father whose child just learned how to eat without throwing the food everywhere. "How about you?" I continue.

"Both good and bad, I mean it's been a pretty long time." He answered, laughing a bit at himself.

I smile a little, "Stop, that's a failure." He fakes a pout but he can't hold it for long.

"I liked it." He mutters.

We continued with small talk for a few minutes, the mood pendeling between awkward and comfortable. The conversation lasted until I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey, HongJoong." A boy came up to us, vampire, and before continuing to talk to his friend he nodded slightly at me, "Hi." He turned back to his friend, "Are you ready for class? The others said you disappeared after breakfast."

"Hey, is it really time already?" HongJoong answered the boy taking out his phone to check the time for himself. The vampire had red and black hair, a black t-shirt with a black varsity jacket with red details. Paired with black ripped jeans and black boots. He definitely likes black. I let out an involuntary giggle at the thought.

The two boys look at me, stopping their conversation, "Ooh I'm sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt." I say, a little shy from the two pairs of eyes on me.

"It's okay, just wondering what you're doing. Oh, and my name is Chan by the way." The new boy says. "Just thinking, nothing special. Nice to meet you, I'm HyunMin"

I continue by asking, "What time did you say it was?", while glancing between the two.

"First clases start in about 20 minutes." HongJoong states.

"Thank you, I should get going then." I say and start heading away when I hear Chan call out, "Wait, what class do you have?"

"English." I answer his question while also turning to look back at the two.

"That's not so far from ours, let's go together." HongJoong states, starting to walk towards the school building. I nod slightly and start to walk once they both have reached me.

We reach the building, having walked there in silence when Chan decides to speak up, "HyunMin, can I ask you a question?" I nod to answer his question and he continues, "I was just wondering how old you were? I mean I know you are a vampire but that doesn't help when you can be anywhere between like 19 and like ancient."

I interrupt his small rant that I am assuming is out of nervousness, "You don't have to justify asking, Chan. It's normal to wonder, especially when meeting a vampire," I smile slightly at him and I can basically see him relax, "I was born 1000, so the same year as JiSung and Felix." I finished.

"Okay, then I am three years older and HongJoong here is just a little baby." Chan states, throwing a mocking smile at his friend. HongJoong just huffs at the statement.

"True, how old are you HongJoong?" I ask, my curiosity taking over.

He looks over at me before answering, "98, 1998 to be clear." Both me and Chan laugh, him more than me, at the human's answer.

"So who is older you or JiSung and Felix?" HongJoong asks when we are done laughing.

"They were born in September, right?" I ask, looking between the two.

"Yes, 14th and 15th. If I remember correctly." Chan confirms.

"Then they are older. By like," I pause and think for a second before continuing, "three weeks, give or take."

A few more minutes of small talk and it's time for the two boys to go down a different corridore to their class. We say goodbye and I head the rest of the way to my class alone.

Reaching the room where I have my first class, I enter the door and look for a seat. Sitting near the back of the class waving at me is JeongIn, together with San and another boy I haven't met before. A human.

Have I seen him before? I feel like I have seen his face before. Deciding I'm imagining things, I walk over to them and take the free seat next to San.

"Hi." San said when I sat down, followed by JeongIn, "Hey, HyunMin, where did you go after breakfast? Oh and this is my old friend SeungMin." He pointed to the human I hadn't met before.

SeungMin waves a little at me, while also smiling and saying, "Hi."

I responded with a 'Hi' as well, before turning my attention back to JeongIn to answer his question, "I was just outside talking to someone."

After a few more minutes, spent mostly with smalltalk, the teacher walks in and the class starts.

—— HongJoong POV ——

Me and Chan separated from HyunMin to get to our class before it started.

We reached the class and were greeted by all of our friends, SeongHwa and MinGi waved us over while ChangBin was too busy with his phone to notice us.

Sitting down Chan turns around to face me, "Who was that? It seemed like you knew her."

His question got the attention of both SeongHwa and MinGi, who stopped their conversation to hear my answer.

"HyunMin?" He nodded and I continued, "You remember two years ago, when I said I met a vampire in the back of building four? The one that attacked Jae."

Now even ChangBin was paying attention, having put his phone down. All the boys nodded as an answer and SeongHwa said, "What about her?"

"Well the vampire Chan found me with, is the vampire from two years ago." I paused for a second, "The girl we met for breakfast." I looked over at MinGi and ChangBin while speaking the last bit.

"JiSung's roommate?" ChangBin questions.

"Yup." I say as confirmation.

"Wonder why she is back? And now as a student." SeongHwa ponders and ChangBin continues, "Yeah, there is something there."

"What do you mean?" now MinGi spoke up.

"The first time I met her, she acted strange. I don't know, nervous maybe. Like she wanted nothing more than to escape the situation" He says, deep in thought and MinGi continues, "Yeah, at breakfast too, she seemed like she was nervous or in overdrive."

But before anyone could answer or question their words the teacher walked in.

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