#10 Hearts

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Words: 1639

—— HyunMin POV ——

Reaching the classroom I took the same seat I had the last time I was here.

A few minutes later San came walking through the door, "HyunMin?" He whisper-yelled as he sped up to get to the seat next to me faster.

I waved shyly, "Hey, and I'm sorry for making you worry." My voice was quiet and apologetic.

"It's ok, I'm just glad you're okay." He said sincerely while locking eyes with me.

In an attempt to brighten the mood I decided to tease him a little, "I heard you thought I might bleed out." My face had a bright smile as he started pouting.

"No I didn't" he mumbled, "Wait, how did you know that?" He almost yelled at me in surprise when he processed what I said.

"A little birdie told me." I said looking at the front of the classroom seeing Mrs Larsson walking in.

"What birdie? Tell me~" San whined, bouncing his feet on the floor like a child not getting what they want.

It made me smile and I was forced to fight to suppress a laugh, "Shh, San, class is starting." I whispered with a finger over my mouth, still fighting this laugh for my life.

Then Mrs Larsson started the class where she left it a couple of days ago, going over body parts. I found myself hoping there would be no more real life pictures. As I am pretty sure I would not be able to handle it after yesterday.

She started with shoulders and arms, then moving on with the heart and the differences. I already know basically all of what she is saying so I'm only listening with half an ear.

Mrs. Larson talked about how a human's heart has a heartbeat, which is what keeps them alive. While a vampire's heart does not have a heartbeat, so something else is keeping them 'alive'.

While talking about heartbeats and hearts of humans, she showed in her presentation some animations of a human's chest. Showing how the heart pumps blood through the body. Doesn't everyone here already know this? Everyone here is like 20 years old.

After the humans it's time for the vampires and on her presentation as she is talking plays a video. The video is of a person standing over a body, whose hands have been tied down and whose chest has been cut open, revealing the heart.

I freeze. I can't move. I can't think clearly. A million memories flashing through my head at once. I have to get out. This is way worse than the last time.

I sprint out of the room as fast as I can. Into the empty hallways of the school, heading towards my dorm room to get away from everything.

Turning around the last corner before the exit I bump into someone. They basically go flying backwards from the impact. Luckily I managed to catch them before they hit the ground.

I mutter a 'I'm sorry' and start to walk towards the door, not wanting to be near anyone, especially a human. Though I did focus on their heartbeat in an attempt to distract my thoughts, it's a bit faster than a heartbeat normally would be.

"HyunMin?" The person, a boy, calls out. Making me stop in my tracks and turn around when I realized I recognized the voice, and my name.

Turning around I come face to face with YunHo, he looks worried, which would explain the rise in his heartbeat.

"What's wrong? You look pale, paler than normal." he asks softly, taking a careful step closer. His step forward makes me take a step back, to keep the distance between us. I don't say anything, I just stare at him, still keeping my ears locked on his heartbeat but focusing more and more on his voice instead.

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