#9 Stars

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Words: 1667

—— HyunMin POV ——

I am currently seated with JiSung, MinHo, SeungMin, JeongIn and JongHo for dinner. It started with another worried glance and comment from my roommate, about me not eating anything. Then we talked about our days and what happened. I stayed mostly quiet, listening to what everyone said.

"So how exactly did you two meet?" JiSung asked SeungMin and JongHo to get a new subject going.

"Our parents worked together when we were young, and still do actually." SeungMin said and JongHo continued, "Exactly, here in school actually."

"Wait, isn't the principal your grandfather?" JeongIn asked, looking at SeungMin who nodded to answer the question..

Parents, principal, work... Could it be?

"So that's why I recognize them." I mumble, apparently out loud.

JeongIn and JiSung looked over at me, "What do you mean?" JiSung asked. The three humans looked over at me, having heard that I mumbled something, but not what.

"W-what? O-oh, nothing." I stutter out, nervous.

"Pretty sure that wasn't nothing. You literally said 'I recognize them'" JeongIn quoted my mumble. Making all boys at the table look at me, fighting to hold their questions back.

"No, I didn't. You must have heard it wrong." I responded, trying to sound believable and it worked pretty well.

"Sure, but I heard the same thing." JiSung stated, ruining everything for me with each and every one of his words.

Having run out of excuses and having no idea what to say, I ended up just sitting quiet. Breaking that short silence, JongHo asked, "So what do you mean?" He looked puzzled and SeungMin did too.

"We haven't met before this. How could you recognize us?" SeungMin said right after JongHo's question.

"Nothing, they misheard. I didn't say anything." I said, my voice confident again.

"I don't believe that." SeungMin said, also sounding confident, making it very clear that he isn't dropping it.

Growing defencive, not wanting to talk about it, I said, "You should, it's the truth." They all look at me, looking almost disappointed. Their staring is slowly getting to me.

"Well, we don't and we aren't dropping it." MinHo spoke up this time, sounding almost angry.

I sigh, "Fine, maybe I did say it.-" I say defeated, getting cut off.

"Yes! Now tell us why you said it." JeongIn said a little too enthusiastically.

I sigh again, looking at my slightly shaking hands. Doing my best to gather my thoughts so I will be able to say something.

"Stop sighing and start talking." JiSung said while jokingly hitting my arm. All in an attempt to ease the situation, guess he noticed my hands. It didn't really help though.

I closed my eyes imagining the star filled sky, before talking again, "I kind of know both your parents," I started, managing to look between the two childhood friends, my gaze landing on SeungMin, "and your grandfather." I finished, my voice low and unsure.

I shakely looked at the people around the table, my hands now hidden in my lap, reading their expressions. The two youngest looked extremely surprised, like they weren't expecting me to say that. Which to be fair they probably didn't. The other boys at the table looked just as surprised, though somehow looked less shocked.

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