Start from the beginning

Finally after a few moments, I stood up and opened the window, letting some fresh but chilly air inside. Then I started rummaging through my closet, trying to find something to wear while sipping on my coffee.

After, good ten minutes of thinking, I decided to wear black bootcut jeans, AC/DC baggy t-shirt and my leather jacket. I really wasn't feeling good enough to pick something more put together and original.

I pulled my medium length purple hair in a low loose ponytail and left my curtain bangs out. Then I put on a bit stronger makeup, to draw people's attention away from my scar. Although, I already knew that nothing would help with that.

While packing my bag, I put on my silver rings and earrings. When I was done, I left my room and went downstairs where my roommates were finally quiet.

Carlos was just finishing making breakfast as Genevieve sat at the table, reading one of our textbooks. I sat down next to her and just sighed.

I really wasn't looking forward to the next few months.

"It's been quite a while since I was in school... well more like in college, never in my immortal life have I considered going through high school" Genevieve said, while still looking through the textbook.

"Nothing to look forward to Vivi. Believe me" I said, while playing with my rings.

Carlos came over and placed our plates on the table, saying "I remember my school days quite well, actually. I was very popular"

"As a class clown?" I asked, with a raised brow making Vivi snort.

He huffed and put is hands on his hips "If you're going to be such a smart ass, then i won't be making breakfast for you anymore"

I raised my hands up "Okay, okay sorry"

When we were all done with breakfast, we headed out to Carlos's car. He got into the driver's seat, Vivi into the passenger's seat and I got in the back.

Our drive was thankfully peaceful, as some music played to fill in the silence. All three of us were a bit on edge. Well, maybe not Carlos because... well. He's Carlos.

I was actually falling a bit asleep, which was a weird experience for me since I don't need that much rest anymore as a sorceress. But then again. The last few days were very tiresome emotionally, and that's a tiredness that even my seidr couldn't fix.

Finally we made it to the parking lot, where every student was already looking at Carlos' black 1965 mustang coupe with red seats. Because of course he couldn't pick a normal car to bring here. But once again. He's Carlos.

He pulled up in the corner where he wouldn't bother anyone for a while, and all three of us exited the car. With me being the last one, as Carlos folded the seat and took my hand in his to help me get out.

"Thanks" I said and squeezed his hand with a smile.

Carlos of course being the drama queen he is, bowed slightly saying "Anything for my Lady"

I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder lightly "Stop it, you idiot"

He laughed and kissed my hand "Sorry, mi princesa"

Before I could roll my eyes again, Genevieve spoke up.

"Dora, your friends are here as well"

I looked away from Carlos and towards the parking spots that I already knew were theirs. And indeed they were here, and looking straight at me.

But I frowned slightly, seeing that neither Bella or Edward were with the group. Instead they were standing by Bella's truck, trying hard not to look at me or the other Cullens.

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