"No." I ordered.

"Yes Neil."

"I said No."

"But i said yes to them." Anirudh said.


"My cousin Shane and his friends. He got selected this year in medical entrance exam and now he is in Medical college of Mumbai only. So now he wants to meet me. So he suggested to go for a movie." He informed.

"So you go alone." i shrugged.

"I can't he is coming with his friends and i have only one to whom i can take with me." He said. I got the point when he said only one. Anirudh indirectly taunted me that i can't accompany him when he needed.

It's not like i don't want to go out with him but it's dangerous, not only for me but him also or anyone who is close to me especially. That's why i prefer to not go out. And that's how I grew up.

I glared at him. But this there was disappointment in his eyes. I sighed.

"Okay." As i said he jumped on me. 'Brother leave me or else i will die.'
i patted his back and smiled little.




We went to went to city mall. Anirudh was unaware of the fact that my bodyguards are following us because I never told him that who I am and too, my bodyguards were in casuals and were going to watch movie with us. 'Protection needs everything.'

And then i saw Anirudh waved to a person. His cousin Shane. He came with his girlfriend, i guessed because he was holding her hands very possessively, and a girl who is a only friend. She was very pretty and silent. She looks very mature. Her hairs were tied in a ponytail.

She was looking at everywhere but me. Damn. She was wearing a loose grey sweat shirt and black skin fit jeans with white shoes, Just like me. Coincidence.

'Wth!! Did I just checked out her?'


'I admired the beauty.'

'Neil control. This can't be you.'

"Ooo.. see you both are twinning." Shane said. Now she saw me from head to toe. Finally. 'Okay, much extrovert.' I passed a smile.

Ani introduce me to them. Everyone said hello but she. She just smiled. I don't even know her name. 'This Shane didn't have even basic etiquette, at least he should also introduce them to me.' We met for the first time.

Anirudh, shane and his girlfriend went to washroom before we enter the movie hall. I was standing alone and she was sitting at a distance from me. According to my nature i was calm and cool.

And then i felt someone's warm gaze on me. I turned to the side from where i was receiving it. It's her. Shane's friend.

She has a very beautiful eyes. When i caught her, she blinked her eyes and turned her face. 'Urghh...I can't see her beautiful face now.' I wanted her to set her beautiful face in my direction but i couldn't. So i decided something. I walked to her.

"Is there something wrong?" i asked her.

'Why the hell am i doing this?'

'I am a introvert. Right?'

'May be she wants something. After all, till Shane comes back she was responsibility.'

'Yeah, that's the reason!!'

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