Chapter 20: Trial 1- Sequential Temple

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                I arrived at the Sequential Temple. I climbed the rocks up to the entrance like with Torrential Temple. I entered the first room, which was riddled with translucent objects on the walls. I went up to one and tried touching it but my hand went right through it. It would seem as though this temple is where the Torrential temple gets its mystery from, at least some of it. The two must be linked somehow. I walked around the room trying to find a way to progress when a door opened by itself.

                 I walked through into the next room and this room was completely identical to the last one except where the door was placed. I continued studying the room. It had a bright orange glow towards the ceiling and the walls were clay-colored. The floor was-

The next door opened. I walked through into another room that looked exactly the same. As I was saying, the floor was a darker brown than the walls and it was textured differently. There were no clues that would suggest what to do here except keep on progressing. The next door opened and I entered the next room only to realize that it was the start room. I know that because the entrance door was on the wall to my right, and the door that I had gone through first was to my left.

                This is one weird puzzle. I have cycled through every room at least three times now and still have no idea what to do. I tried waiting in the rooms when the door opened but nothing would happen until I stepped through. I tried rolling probes and grenades through the doors and that would close them, but then the explosion wouldn’t occur. This leads me to believe that each room in itself doesn’t exist unless either the door is open or I am inside the room. If that’s the case then it should be a simple matter of finding the one room that keeps existing and there should be a hidden switch somewhere inside.

                I rolled grenades through each room until finally one exploded, but I then realized that that was the entrance room, so I tried it again. I found out that there are two separate sets of rooms, each connecting with the entrance and both sets existing at the same time in the same place. I would walk through one set but on the next walk-through I would be on the other set and so on. I finally found the right room that I needed and started searching the walls for a block or something that acted like a hidden switch.

                I found the switch on the ceiling in the corner but I can’t get up to it to flip it. I finally tried wall planting my feet into the corner until I could just barely reach it but by that time I didn’t have enough momentum to keep going upward. I tried again and this time I could flip it. A piece of the wall moved back from the rest of the wall and then opened like a normal door; both halves sliding left and right. I saw the opposite wall disappear and reveal the entrance room.

                The doors on both the side walls disappeared as well, leaving only the entrance door and the new door. I walked through the new door into another room. This room had what appeared to be a similar maze as the one where I got the gravitation pistol, except this one had pieces missing from the walls that fell into what appeared to be the sky, on all sides of the room. This might be the same room.

                In the center of the room, there was another pistol. I picked it up and absorbed it like the gravitation pistol before it. This was a reversal pistol, capable of reversing gravity. Coupled with the gravitation pistol, it creates the shift pistol, allowing for both functions in one device. The reversal pistol didn’t have the requirement of receptacles so now I can use the shift pistol on any surface, allowing me to use it anywhere.

                I aimed the laser at the only wall I could and pulled the trigger, sending a pulse at the wall and orienting the gravity to that wall. I then proceeded through the maze but noticed the receptacle on the floor that was glowing already. As soon as I stepped on it, it reversed gravity to the opposite wall that had spikes on it. I used the reversal feature of the shift pistol to reverse gravity again, allowing me to stay in midair for a few seconds.

I started moving towards the door and when I finally got to it, I held onto the door which was once again on the ceiling and opened it. Unlike last time, the gravity automatically oriented to the floor of the next room so I was free to drop down into the next room. This room was a hallway much like the one in Torrential Temple except I was walking on the ceiling and everything outside was upside down.

                I took in the scenery again and proceeded into the final room in which sat a satellite laser beacon. Power was getting to the device but it wasn’t transmitting a beam. I activated the beam which started red and then changed to green when it connected with the satellite. The temple then faded away around me and I was back outside by the Helicopter. I got in and took off for Spider Mountain, the next Trial. There is no time to waste.

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