Chapter 10: Examinations

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                I arrived in the Hentu base and set the Teranor on one of the examination tables in the medical room.

                “It’s a good thing you brought this thing back with you. We will unravel what its armor is made of and what kind of weapons or upgrades it has. If it’s superior to yours, we will work on a suit upgrade for you.”

                -That’s nice. Let me know if you find anything strange; I have an odd feeling about this Teranor.

                Just after I had said that, I saw a team walk through the door. The leader of the team walked up to the General and whispered something in his ear.

                “Yes, understood. Chris that was the team that had been studying that forest you passed. They say it has no physical properties other than that of a normal forest, but it DOES have some mystical properties. It all sounds very interesting; you should go check it out as soon as you can.”

                When he said that, another person ran up to him.

                “Sir, we have just detected a strange anomaly near the edge of Scorpion Crevasse. It appears to be moving around the whole trench but it doesn’t match anything we have seen before.”

                “That IS strange, nothing new has ever happened there before. Chris, your objectives have just changed. We need you to-“

                He was cut off by yet another person coming up to him.

                “Sir, the team you sent to the Torrential Temple has just sent out a distress beacon!”

                “DAMMIT! Chris, here are their coordinates…”

                He handed me a data capsule containing the coordinates to the team’s last known position.

                “It is urgent that you go there and find out what happened to that team, and assist them if they are still alive.”

                -Why did you send a team to the Torrential Temple?

                “We were going to continue a routine study of the temple’s shifting rooms like we always do, but this time there was a lingering danger because of the new Siege threat. Chris, they are carrying a vital piece of technology that was to be used at the temple but if it gets into Siege’s hands, there’s no telling what they could do with it.”

                Whatever it is, I have to protect it. I headed out the door and ran as fast as I could to the coordinates but when I got there, I found something disturbing.

                -General, Siege didn’t do this.

                “What makes you say that? They’re the only ones who would want to intercept that party, unless…”

                -Yes, it was a Teranor, and a much stronger one at that. Their bodies are ripped to shreds, the suits are completely offline, and there’s a rather large symbol in the sand. I have seen this symbol before, in the mining facility. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that that is the Teranor symbol. Luckily though, they didn’t disturb the tech for the Torrential Temple. I think they were just trying to send a message.

                “Wait, how many bodies are there?”

                -I count four plus two arms and a leg with no matching bodies. Everybody here has all their limbs.

                “You said four??! We sent ten! That means we are missing at least five of them! Tell me, does one of them have a red sun on his suit? Or a blue moon?”

                -No, they all have the Hentu symbol.

                “Those two suits belong to two very important operatives who are named Trojan and Midnight. They are our top weapons specialists and they NEED to be found.”

                -I have a feeling that even if we DID find them, we wouldn’t be able to save them. At least not yet, I’m not powerful enough yet.

                “There has to be something we can do.”

                -There is, we can find them now and wait until I upgrade my suit to strike. I’m heading to Torrential Temple to drop off this tech. You should send another unit, I have a feeling they won’t be attacked.

                I laid my hand on the tech and absorbed it for storage. I then went to the temple, dropped it off and left for the Hentu base again. When I arrived, like usual, the General was waiting.

                “Thank you for the assist. I don’t know what we would do without your help. Now that the urgency is out of the way, how about you investigate that anomaly at Scorpion Crevasse?”

                -I’m on my way.

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