Part 14

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Mina came out with a camera and yells "I got it on camera you can't say you didn't" I look at her confused we walk to the living room which is where she ran after saying that to see just over half the class sitting down as Mina explains what's about to happen "and there are the main characters of the video" I growl "pinky" she pushes play and immediately moans are heard through the common room, they look at us surprised, Mina pauses it and smiles "you guys haven't changed either" she says smiling as she points to kacchan still rapped in the blanket. She pushes play again for seeing dunce face knock then the moaning stops, she stops the video again "ITS ABOUT TO GET SPICY" she yells and pushes play the door opens and we hear a quiet "bakubro" as that happened the camera zoomed in on kacchans neck. "Who is it" is what we all heard next then I showed up zipping my pants up behind kacchan. As talking continued in the video she zoomed in on our hair clothing and even "physical marks" I growl as the video ends. "See they're screwing" pinky yells kacchan growls quietly I smile slightly "and if we are what would you do about it" she smiles wide and jumps around "die" I smile for a second and look at kacchan he looks back already knowing what I'm thinking, he goes to kiss me wrapping his arms around my neck causing me to kiss back immediately with my arms around his waist. After a second I unconsciously slipped my tongue into his mouth he moaned quietly and then bites my lip causing me to smirk. Mina squeals loudly and starts running around, I break the kiss and start laughing. Kacchan starts laughing as well, pinky stops running and walks over to us "what's funny why are you laughing" I Pat her head "we're not screwing" she points at the makeup on kacchans neck "then what's that" I smile and grab a makeup wipe, "here wipe it" she grabs the wipe and kacchan tilts his head and she starts wiping and get sad as she notices the makeup going from his neck to the wipe. "Guys," she says sadly, she suddenly smiles "but that kiss was real wasn't it" I nod "yeah obviously," I say rolling my eyes. She starts squealing and jumping around.

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