Part 6

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As soon as I push his arm away I get pushed off the bed "shut up" deku growls as he grabs a pillow and starts snuggling it. I glare at him and stand up "your the one in my dorm" he then throws my pillow at me "what time is it" I look at my phone "6:00" he growls "ugh" he lays down again and covers his head. "I need to change" i say to him trying to uncover him so he can leave my room "then change I'll be under the blanket" I growl "get out I need to change" he sits up "i wouldn't be looking dumbass" he growls while glaring at me. "I glare Back and then stand up and look for clothes, after I grab some I take my shirt off then turn around to see deku watching me. I blush and throw the pillow on the floor at him "you said you wouldn't look" I growl getting a chuckle from deku "yeah yeah" he was about to lay down but shitty hair bursts In "bro we're gonna be la-" I look over to him to see him smirking "why are you smirking" I ask confused. "Well, your half naked in front of a guy that's on your bed and we all know your gay" i glare at him "YOUR GAY" deku yells surprised. I growl and put my shirt on, "oh so I was wrong" shitty hair says in a disappointed voice. "Of course your fucking wrong" deku stands up and apologizes "why are you sorry" I ask confused "well i might've made you uncomfortable" I growl "whatever" I say before walking out.

Izuku pov

I make katsukis bed then leave his dorm, "ah Izuku" i turn around and see aizawa looking at me confused "why are you awake-...never mind I know why" I nod and smile "I'm hungry so... see ya" I say as i leave the room. As soon as I get downstairs I feels everyone's eyes on me "good morning" I say confused "woah your not pissed anymore" pinky says excitedly "I guess not" I say again confused "where'd you sleep last night" a tall guy with multiple arms that have a mouth, an ear, and a nose on them. "Well in katsukis room" suddenly pinky runs up to me smiling, "did you two do anything~" I shake my head "I'm not interested in him and all we did was sleep and argue" she smiles wider "so your gay too" I growl and nod "yeah and I'm also hungry so..." I say as I walk into the kitchen. "Wait wait your not into bakubro" suddenly dunce face asks while eating cereal, I jump and glare at him "no I'm not" "aww dang the way you talked about him last night sounded like you may have a crush on him.. beside the parts when you said 'I hate that jackass'" dunce face says giggling afterwards. I growl and grab eggs and bacon "I do hate that jackass" I growl, "Okay I totally believe you" dunce face says as he leaves me in the kitchen.

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