Chapter 34: If you insist.

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Cover art made by: stivorlie on twitter
Pico's POV:

Days pass, those days turn to weeks, then its been months since the incident in the café.

I spend everyday with Cherry by my side, I haven't seen Keith in a long time.

I still have my apartment, but I'm living with Cherry. We've even set up a nursery in her house.

Cherry and Nene broke up for good, they're still close friends though. Nene insists that she's possibly the father, for the type of person she is you'd assume she would've had "the talk" by now.

I heard from Nene that Senpai and Keith are now living together, I wish I could say I was surprised, but him mentioning Senpai when we were talking about polyamory was enough proof for me that they would end up being a thing.

It feels weird having to live off of Cherry, she claims that now I "dropped my life of crime" but that isn't exactly true. At least now I can figure out things I enjoy, like my hobby of gardening.

Part of me likes to pretend that Cherry and I will live a happy normal life the way it is, but I wish that we all could've been happy as a family of me, her and Keith.

I think I've managed to pull myself together though, I wouldn't say I'm completely prepared to be a father but I think I'm doing a lot better for myself.

Cherry occasionally spends the day with one of her parents at a time, for shopping or whatever they do, leaving me alone for a few hours. Days like today for example.

I sit in the living room with a cup of coffee, tracing the rim of the cup with my finger while staring off, things like this used to irritate me, I didn't like the quiet feeling I suppose.

I stare out of the large bright window, waiting.

I put down my cup and walk towards it, gently pulling open the curtains and looking out.

I open the window to let the cool air in, watching the street.

I shut my eyes and listen to the sounds of the wind.

I hear the sound of someone running through the yard, to the backyard of the house.

I wait, assuming that someone threw something other the fence or something.

I see someone run back out to the street and leave.

Not just someone, that was Keith.

I shut the window and sit back down.

That's.. odd.

Did I just imagine that? I think I'm too tired for this.

I try to get my thoughts straight. I decide to take a nap assuming I'm seeing things.

I walk back to the bedroom and slip into bed.

Cherry should be home before I'm awake, I think I'll understand what happened better then.

I wake up 2 hours later, immediately checking my phone when I notice Cherry isn't here.

She's staying the night at her parents house, I roll my eyes.

Now that I think of it it's getting dangerously close to the due date, why now would she stay there?..

6pm, I still don't know what happened earlier. I go for a walk to clear my head.

I shut and lock the door on my way out, I sigh, walking in the direction "Keith" did on the street.

I walk around with no particular end goal in mind, ending up somewhat far from home, I take a short break by sitting at a bench at a park.

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