Chapter 3: ...What do you mean 'a sign' (implied NSFW)

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Cover art: unknown!

Pico's POV:

Cherry gets off of me and walks to the door, she pokes her head out and then comes back

Pico: "Don't you think us getting interrupted is a sign or something?"

Cherry: "...What do you mean 'a sign' "

Pico: "I don't know, like we shouldn't be doing this?"

Cherry: "Well I don't think a dentist office is exactly the most private place... do you not want to do this or something?"

Pico: "..."

Cherry: "Are you with someone else?"

I put my head down.

Cherry: "I... think you should go."

Pico: "Cherry-"

Cherry: "Or I'll call my dad in"

I get up and push the door open to leave, I don't want to have to deal with her dad after what I've heard from Keith.

I turn back and see Cherry getting dressed again,

Cherry: "And Pico?" She sniffled.

Pico: "Yeah?" 

Cherry: "Can you try to find my dress? I think I left it at your house."

Pico: "Yeah." I roll my eyes.

I turn back around and shut the door behind me.

I come out to the waiting room and see Keith, looking sheepish, I just assume he got tired of waiting, we were in there a while after all..

BF: "Uh.. are you ready to go?"

Pico: "I think so"

I look back at the office and overhear Cherry crying

BF: "Did everything go okay?"

Pico: "...Yeah, I guess"

I see Daddy dearest eyeing us

BF: "S-So should we go?"

We quickly run out, without even booking another appointment..

Boyfriend's POV:

I try not to think about what just happened as I get into the passengers seat of my car, I'm not even sure if I intended for that to ever happen again, even if I do still have some feelings for DD, and besides, I'm in a committed relationship with Pico, I know he'd never cheat on me.

BF: "..Did everything go okay?"

Pico: "It went better then I thought it would"

BF: "That's good! I told you the dentist wasn't scary!"

We arrive at Pico's apartment, we usually stay at my house unless Pico needs to get a few things from his place, so I just assume he left something behind.

Pico and I walk into his living room, It reeks of weed and rotten food, he runs off to his bedroom and I start cleaning out his fridge.

Pico's POV:

Cherry reminded me of the time she was here and left her dress behind, I didn't want BF finding it anywhere here so I plan to hide it somewhere in his house, then he'll just assume she left it there when they were together.

I can't help but wonder why DD was working the dentist office anyway, I know that Cherry is a dentist but why was DD working there too? and why was he looking at BF and I like that..?

I poke my head out and see Keith cleaning some dishes, I ask him

Pico: "Did you and DD talk at all?"

BF: "Uhm.. no? Why do you ask?"

Pico: "Well, you told me about you and DD before and I would assume if you two saw each other DD would say something"

BF: "..Did you and Cherry talk at all?? I saw her walk in"

Pico: "..."

BF: "..."

There was nothing either of us could say, assuming he's hiding something from me. There's no way I'm telling him anything.

BF: "Nothing happened, he just got mad at me for being there and then he moved on, okay? Now can you please tell me if anything happened between you and Cherry?"

Pico: "Nothing happened with Cherry and I either, I don't even know why you would assume that!"

BF: "Pico-"

Pico: "I don't want to hear it, I'm going to bed I'm tired of arguing."

I slam the door behind me and fall onto my bed face first, I overhear Keith softly crying in the other room, and I start to drift off to sleep..

Boyfriend's POV:

After Pico went to bed I started crying, I really don't like it when we fight. I finish cleaning the kitchen and I notice how dark it is outside, I don't want to have to sleep on the couch, Its hard as a rock and probably has ants in it.

I slip into my light blue kitty footie pajamas, and head to Pico's room..

I try to carefully open the bedroom door and climb into bed with Pico. I try not to wake him up as I pull the covers over me.

Authors note: Every time I write another chapter the voices get louder and louder please help me

New chapters coming soon!

Pico goes to the dentistWhere stories live. Discover now