Chapter 25: What's this?

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Cherry's POV:

We walk out and sit on the hood of my car, it's dark out so Pico and I sit close. He rests his hand on my inner thigh. It's freezing cold and I'm shivering and trying to sit closer to him.

Pico: "Whaaat? What do you want."

Cherry: "I'm cooold.."

Pico: "It's your own fault for wearing that tiny dress."

Cherry: "There's nothing I can do about it nooow, can we just sit closer?"

Pico: "Fiiiine.."

I rest my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around me, he moves his hand that was on my thigh on the other one and pulls me half-onto his lap.

Pico: "That better, kitten?"

Cherry: "Mhmm.." I say, cuddling closer.

I feel him blush, and hear him stumble over words.

Pico: "I- um.."

Cherry: "Hmm? Something wrong?"

Pico: "N-Nothing... Oh look Keith is coming out! .."

Good timing for him, not so much for me. I'm left with a few more questions left unanswered.. why was he so flustered? Does he like me more then just for sex?

Pico: "Are you gonna move? What if Keith sees..."

Cherry: "Why would he care? We've had threesomes like twice now it doesn't matter"

Pico: "...."

Keith walks out and stands about 2 feet away from my car, I'm still basically laying on Pico.

BF: "What's this?"

Pico: "I told her to get off.."

BF: "No no, your arms still around her.."

Cherry: "Uh, in case either of you haven't realized it's perfectly fine for me to sit like this with him seeing as you two literally fucked me this morning."

Pico: "I-"

BF: "It's not about that, Pico and I are still in a relationship, you two aren't."

Cherry: "I thought you two's thing was more of an- open relationship?"

Pico: "Yeah Keith."

BF: "What?? we said it was just us."

Cherry: "Keith. I'm still pregnant with one of your kids.."

BF: "Whatever. Get off of him."

I start to move off of him when Pico grabs me by the neck and pulls me into a kiss. He suddenly shoves me back and looks back at Keith.

Pico: "What are you gonna do about it?"

BF: "You're so immature, Pico."

Pico stuck his tongue out at him.

BF: "You aren't any better Cherry."

Pico let go of my neck and I step off the hood.

Cherry: "What did I do???"

BF: "You KNOW Pico and I are in a relationship now but you still choose to fuck around with him."

Cherry: "What do you mean??"

BF: "You two idiots were clearly hanging out before I messaged you."

Pico: "Not true!"

Pico steps off the car and almost fell.

BF: "Whatever, can one of you take me home?"

Cherry: "Pico's high.. can you drive?"

BF: "No. I know for a fact you two horny fucks would end up doing something weird in the backseat while I drive. Not gonna happen."

Cherry: "Wh-"

Pico: "Y'know what he's right. You drive."

BF: "Thank you, my god finally someone agrees with me."

I get into the drivers seat as Pico and Keith hop into the back.
Keith sits up with his seatbelt on and Pico lays on his back with his head in Keith's lap.

I start up the car and Keith strikes up a conversation with Pico.

BF: "What'd you do today?"

Pico: "Oh man! I had sex 4 times today!"

BF: "What?"

Pico: "Well if you want to count last night then 5."

BF: "Uhh.. I guess you guys got busy.."

Pico: "Oh not just cherry and I, mostly us but you too, and Nene."

Cherry: "What?"

Pico: "Oops. Forgot you two were together or something."

BF: "Hmm? Tell me more"

Pico: "Ok! Cherry and I had shower sex last night, but it wasn't 'normal' it was mostly fucking her tits it was awesome"

BF: "After that..?"

Pico: "This morning we had sex and I choked her out, again awesome."

Cherry: "Uhh."

Pico: "Then the threesome, awesome."

BF: "Then?"

Pico: "Oh! Then Nene was in my house and she made me piss on her and stuff, she gave me drugs and a gun."

BF: "Oh. So that's it?"

Pico: "Nope! Then I went to Cherry's house and fucked her with said gun."

BF: "Jesus man."

Pico: "Nothing compared to what I assume you and daddy dearest did."

Cherry: "What..?"

BF: "Pico.."

Pico: "Oh yeah. Keith fucked your dad and your mom."

I pull over and turn around in my seat.

Cherry: "Keith get out."

BF: "Huh?"

Pico: "I mean daaang! Why do you think he broke up with you!"

BF: "Come on Pico let's go."

Cherry: "No Pico, you stay."

BF: "Okay.."

Pico sits up and Keith hops out, slamming the door behind him.

I drive off.

Pico: "Where are we going!"

Cherry: "Anywhere but here."

Pico: "Ookaaay, but I'm getting a little tired."

Cherry: "Let's go to your apartment then"

Pico: "Ok!"

He lays down on the seats, I drive there trying to keep myself together.

After 20 minutes of struggling to find Pico's apartment in the dark, we arrive.

Pico goes to the dentistWhere stories live. Discover now