Chapter 10

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By time I caught up with Spark she was shoving pass people to get to the middle of the crowd, that's where all the action was taking place. Jayla was being held back by like four people. She had that "I'm bout to kill this bitch" look in her eyes. And I'm guessing that bitch was the short, curvy, pale girl with black hair who looked a little flustered.

"What's going on here?" She asked her voice low, a frown lining her face.

"She's spreading rumors about Hayley again. You know what happened last time she did that shit." Jayla growled and tried to lunge at the girl again.

"What did your lying ass have to say this time huh?" Spark asked, turning that icy glare of hers in the direction of the other girl.

"Hayley is such a slut for one," the girl began looking relaxed as if Spark wasn't on the verge of kicking her ass. "Thinking she can take my Gavin. If only that little bi-" she was cut off by Jayla getting loose and swiftly sending a punch so fierce she nearly lost her footing. She reminded me of that episode of Jersey Shore, you know the one where Snooki got hit in the face by that random guy.

Aww Jersey Shore.

They quickly grabbed Jayla and pulled her back. At that moment the girl seemed to notice I was standing there and had to do a double take. She then proceeded to push her chest out and lick her lips as if she was staring at the last Popsicle on an 154 degree day.


Did she just? This idiot, did she not realize I was about to beat the black dye out of her hair? I've never been so angry in my life. A new kind of anger surfaced at that moment as I watched that girl lick her lips at Victor. I didn't understand why I was so mad but at the moment I didn't care.

"What's your name?" I hadn't even noticed that slut had brushed passed me and shoved herself up against Victor. He gulped before looking at me for a second and looking back at Sahara.

"Victor and you?"

"Yours if you want to skip the rest of the school day." She purred shoving herself more on him. And that's when I snapped. All I saw was red. Like the blood that was soon going to be on my fist...

"That's it." I grabbed her by her extensions and threw her back to where she was. I grabbed the front of her head and brought it down onto my knee twice before punching her in her stomach. She keeled over and started heaving trying to regain her breathe, I took that chance to kick her in the butt knocking her to the ground. Everyone was laughing and cheering, people just loved when I fought. I stooped down grabbed her face and rubbed it into the dirt before picking her up. She was staggering slightly and clawing at my hand so I would let go. As if, cue evil smirk.

"Jayla!" I yelled looking up at her, she looked more under control now. "Come get this bitch." I pushed Sahara forward and Jayla threw an earth quaking punch into her nose. Blood instantly covered her face and she fell to the floor.

I guess some goody goody snitch told a teacher there was a fight because everyone was quickly disappearing. The cops were running towards the quickly fading crowd. Victor grabbed my hand, stepped over the unconscious Sahara and started running. I looked back to see both Jayla and Kayla were getting away. I squeezed Victor's hand to grab his attention, and pulled him around a corner towards the near by McDonald's. When we were sure we weren't being followed, we slowed our pace and headed inside the fast food place.


"... And then you king konged the hell out of her face. I mean I thought she was kind of cute but surely she must look like something from Land of the Living Dead now." I was trying so hard not to laugh at Victor's ridiculousness. He was so funny sometimes I couldn't handle it. We were sitting in a booth with two happy meals and two shakes causing a scene with all our loudness. We didn't care though, we had decided to not go back to school today and just chill.

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