Chapter 9

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We continued down the hallway towards the cafeteria. Lincoln was telling me about how fancy the school is, when we bumped into Ellie.

"Hey Victor." She purred. Twirling a piece of hair around her finger. I bit down on my lip, that was kind of hot.

"We should get to lunch." Lincoln interrupted. A frown on his face directed straight at Ellie.

"Do I know you?" She asked.

"We've been going to the same school since 9th grade." His tone was flat.

Ellie looked as if she was thinking it over before saying, "Have we slept together?"

"No, now come on Victor." He grabbed my arm and maneuvered me around Ellie and towards the lunch room.

"Well that was tense." I said awkwardly.

Lincoln laughed. "Ellie Daniels is probably the second biggest slut here, why would I sleep with her? Plus she's kind of dumb."

This time it was me laughing. "More like why not?" We headed into the cafeteria and I literally paused in the doorway. This is a cafeteria! This looked more like those fancy restaurants The Godfather would do a drug deal in or something. Lincoln continued to drag me towards the lunch line, looked more like a buffet line to me. After buying our food, he lead me outside toward where I assumed Spark and her clique were.

Lincoln went off to go talk to somebody while I found Spark. As if on cue I found her sitting on a bench and lighting a cigarette like it was nobodies business. I put my tray on the table and slid in close to her, laying my hand on her upper thigh.

"What do you want Victor?" She let out the smoke before sighing and taking another drag.

"Hey, you invited me to eat with you!" I said. Leaning in to the point where I was practically breathing down her neck. But she hadn't asked me to move, and if her involuntary shivers were anything to go by I would say she was enjoying herself.

"My first mistake." She said breathing a sexy chuckle that could bring the strongest of men to their knees.

"You want to know what I think?" smiling seductively at her.

"What? Enlighten me." she said.

"I think you like me." Where was this coming from? My penis probably.

"Well I think," she began, throwing her cigarette down before turning her head so that we were now face to face. We were so close I could hear her breathing. If it was cold enough I could probably see it too. "You shouldn't start something you can't finish."

She slowly removed my hand from her thigh. We were in a stare off and I was quickly getting lost in the whirl pools of grey, blue, and green she called eyes.

Suddenly there was a pressure in my lower crouch area. I groaned, was she trying to give me a boner? Her hand glided up and down my length as if stroking it.

God if you love me you'll save me.

Something off in the distance caught both of our attentions, she removed her hand. Before I could even register what the hell was going on Spark was up and strutting towards the scene. I jumped up quickly to follow. Her strides were long. Her fist clenched beneath her leather gloves and I could just imagine how white her knuckles where under there. The two pistols tatted on her upper shoulders flexed as Spark cracked and stretched her shoulders.

She was in fight mode.

What ever was about to happen wasn't going to be pretty.


Sorry this ones short but I have some things planned out so get ready !!!!


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