(y/n) finished bandaging my arm, just in time as the Box's alarm rang throughout the Glade. "Greenie day!" (y/n) gasped excitedly as she quickly put away the materials back in their respective shelfs before grabbing my arm and dragging me, "Come on, I wanna see who I pass down my Greenie title to!" (y/n) drags me out of the Homestead toward the box with Aziel following close behind.

We arrived to see the usual crowd around the Box. Squeezing our way through, we see a chubby kid, about the same age as Aziel, no less than thirteen, crying his eyes out. Even after we got him out, he was still crying, occasionally letting out broken questions like, "who are you?", "Where am I?" And "What's going on?" while trying to get away from the crowd that was teasing his baby attitude.

He eventually did something terrible, he started bolting towards the maze. "Minho!" I could year Alby call, "Yeah I know!" However, with everyone in the way and stubbornly not moving, it was difficult to get through to even chase him. While trying to get through, I see the Greenie had already entered the maze and had disappeared from sight as he turned a corner, approaching the maze was a silhouette I could never mistake, "(y/n) no!" I called as I chased after the both of them.

I was in the maze, slightly behind (y/n) but not close enough to stop her, "(y/n)!" I called out to her to try and get her to stop, but instead, I got a reply I never wanted. A Griever's cry was heard not far from where we were. I finally turned the corner to see the Greenie and (y/n) in one of the maze's long corridors, having a stare down with a Griever. The Griever let out a cry as it charged towards us.

The Greenie was rooted to the ground but I didn't care, as long as (y/n) was safe, "(y/n) lets go!" I grabbed (y/n)'s arm but she quickly yanks it away, pushing the frozen Greenie from the charging Griever. This was bad. Her move caused us to be separated with the Griever in the way, I was forced to run the other way. "Go! I'll meet you back at the Glade!" I could hear (y/n) call out as the Griever chased after them. Every cell in my body was screaming at me to run to (y/n). To go help her. But my fear got the best of me, as embarrassing as it is. I reluctantly went back to the Glade.

"Minho!" Aziel was the first to greet me as Alby and Newt came up not far from him. "Where's mom? What happened? Is she okay?" Aziel was quick to bombard me with questions about (y/n), it broke my heart to see his worried face, "Minho, what happened to (y/n) and the Greenie?" Alby calmly asked, probably noticing my distressed face.

I finally collapsed, burying my face in my hands, "(y/n)- She- we got separated- there was a Griever and- oh god..." my heart aches for what could happen to (y/n). "So mom's in the maze, with no experience whatsoever and a fat Greenie that will show her down, being chased by a shucking Griever?" Aziel's heartbroke was as obvious as black on white. It only made my heart ache more. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." All I could do was pathetically apologise to him.



It was getting late. Both me and Aziel have been sitting a few meters from the maze entrance in hopes to see any sign of (y/n) or even the Greenie. I look towards the slow setting sun. "The door's about to close soon." I noticed as my stomach sank. "No..." Aziel hung his head in defeat. "Minho. Aziel." I turned to see Newt, Alby along with a few other gladers like Winston staring at me sympathetically. The low rumble and scraping concrete was the only thing I could focus on as I glared at the ground, silently cursing God or whoever put us here.

"Come on! It's closing!" The oh so familiar voice caused both mine and Aziel's head to shot up. There (y/n) was. Running while dragging the Greenie. A Griever's cry was still heard from all the rumbling as it came into view.



Everyone was cheering, calling, for her. The both of them narrowly made it as the doors closed in front of the Griever. I immediately went to (y/n) as she collapsed into my arms. I hugged her tightly, never wanting to let her go and judging by the heat by my leg, Aziel was doing the same. "I thought I lost you- I thought you were gone- I-"

"I will always come back to you. That was what I promised, didn't I?"


A gathering was called to discuss what we were to do with (y/n). All ten keepers, Newt and Alby were all here in the Homestead's 'council' room of sorts. "I say we put her into the slammer." Gally was first to make his point very clear, "But she saved Greenie's life." Frypan argued. Chaos erupted from all nine keepers. "Alright, slim it!" Alby's voice overshadowed the others. "Minho, you were with her at least in the beginning, what do you suggest?" Alby gave the stage to me.

"When I saw that Griever, something that would make any glader klunk their pants, I wanted to run. Run far away to safety with (y/n). Shuck- at that time I was willing to risk the Greenie's life for (y/n)'s and he's just a kid!" I took a breath to compose myself. "But (y/n) was brave enough to face the Griever and protect the Greenie from it. And that's not something any Glader- shuck, not even I would do." I gave the council an unwavering stare, "I say we make her a runner. Or better yet, replace me as keeper."

As expected, the council burst in either protest or support. "Alright, Alright!" Alby stopped the uproar, "She should be punished! She broke the number one rule by going into the maze! We need to show other gladers that they can't just do whatever they want one a whim like going into the Shucking maze!" Gally's protest was the last and was heard loud and clear.

"And I get it, I agree with you. She needs to be punished but she also showed high skills of a runner and that is not something we should bloody ignore because of a rule." Newt somehow summarized the situation with all the riot going on. "Alby, it's your call." All eyes were on Alby to make his claim, "I say we make her the vice-keeper of the runners. We obviously can't make her a keeper since Minho, you have the most experience with the maze, so the least we could do is make her your second in command. She would help you handle the runners, give opinions and so on. But she will get a day in the slammer, no food or water and be stuck with the cry baby Greenie."

There were of course protests but in the end, it is Alby's decision. "Good that."


"So what's my verdict?" I met up with (y/n) outside of the Homestead. "You are getting a ticket to the slammer but on a maybe good note, your runner potential showed today.

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