I stared at the liquid. And then opened my satchel. I pulled out a small leather pouch and threw it on the counter, along with my Hyalus.

"What this?" The boy asked and picked up the pouch.

{ Just paying upfront }

I wrote on the board before tipping the glass back. The liquid burned my throat. I blinked slowly as he poured another glass.

"Do you not speak?" I shook my head. I tipped the glass back again. He raised his eyebrows, as if asking if I wanted more. I nodded and watched the liquid fill the glass. My head was beginning to spin and all this drinking wasn't helping my hangover.


I couldn't keep track of how many drinks I had, but the bottle was two-thirds empty. I couldn't see straight.

"Lady Aislin?" The bartender, whose name I learned during small chit chat was Ake, waved a hand in front of my face. Black dots spotted my vision. "Lady Aislin!" I fell forward and my head smashed onto the wooden bar. My vision going black.

- Loki's P.O.V -

"Loki! Hurry! Come quick!" Thor bellowed as he sprinted into my room.

"What is it?" I groaned and slammed my book shut.

"Aislin." He whispered. I shot out of my armchair and lept over the glass shards.

We were sprinting down the hall towards the throne room.

"Thor what is it?!"

"Someone will explain when we get there!" He shouted over our heavy footsteps. We reared into the throne room. There was a man, about my age in Midgardian years. His hair light and messy.

"Sir Loki!" He gasped and gripped my arm. I snarled and shook him off.

"Don't you dare touch me." I snapped and wrenched my arm from his grip.

"Please." He whispered. "It's Lady Aislin. She blacked out at my brothers pub. We didn't know who else to get." I stared at him with wide eyes. The villagers were unaware of most of the stuff happening inside the palace. Unaware of my current situation with Aislin. Unaware that she stabbed me. Unaware that she was kidnapped. Unaware that we lost the baby.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

He grabbed my arm again and took off running towards the village.

Our feet pounded on the cobblestone path. The village was 100 feet away. Then 50 feet away. 20 feet away. 10 feet away. Until we were tearing around the corners towards the pub. The villagers giving us strange looks.

I could see the pub in the distance. The pub I refused to enter due to the disgusting nature of some of the men there. I could already hear them screaming and fighting. I shuddered at the thought of Aislin being in there. I could smell the alcohol and cigar smoke before we even entered.

I burst through the doors and scanned the Bar. She was slumped over on one of the bar stools. The other bartender warding off unwanted attention from the perverse men. In about two strides I was by her side.

"Thank god you're here Prince Loki." The bartender thanked. I scooped Aislin up into my arms.

"How long has she been like this?" I demanded and scanned her face for any sign of injury.

"Around an hour or so" He watched her over my shoulder.

"Thank you." I muttered and I left the bar quickly. Aislin hung limp in my arms, her breath reeking of vodka. She had drool dripping from the corner of her mouth. I walked down the cobblestone path.

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