Vader sagged in his solitude as the Dark Side reeled up to support him. He had absolutely no idea how that little exchange would affect his other self long term, but...he knew for a fact that the boy needed to hear something to that meaning. Some voice in the din of Jedi to remind him that he didn't have to be like them to be a Jedi.

After all, he wasn't completely assured that Qui-Gon would live past the Battle for Naboo.



Obi-wan had to admit, it was amazing to watch Dooku, a master of Makashi, in a sparring duel. Even if it was against Qui-Gon.

Or especially.

Unlike other styles, it was designed for saber-to-saber combat. More elegant and focused as opposed to the rapid and hard striking form of Ataru that Qui-Gon favored, it was obvious that while the Coruscant-native Jedi was well deserved of the title of Master, his old teacher was clearly the one leading the fight. Blows dodged ever so slightly, heavy blows were deflected with their own momentum.

That didn't make it any less amazing to watch, hence the crowd of Jedi from younglings to even a few Masters gathered around the training ground to watch the spar between two (in)famous icons in the order.

"Very good, Qui-Gon," Dooku praised playfully as they held their stances. "In another ten years, I might be too old to keep up."

"Five years ago, you would have ended this in half the time and I wouldn't be out of breath," Qui-Gon quipped in kind as he leapt at his master, who side stepped the bulk of the attack while deflecting it. Qui-Gon, fully expecting that, used the momentum to spin around, aiming for Dooku's unarmed side, only for the elder Jedi to move back just enough for it to miss entirely.

"Time makes fools of us all, Qui-Gon," Dooku remarked...holding his lightsaber just away from Qui-Gon's neck, signaling his victory.

Qui-Gon took a deep breath as they deactivated their lightsabers, a round of applause meeting their ears. "You're not the only one age is catching up on," Qui-Gon remarked as he took a breath.

"And yet you insist on not incorporating forms that consume less energy in their attacks," Dooku scolded, concern and reprimand as one. "I fear your stubbornness in all things, while endearing, will be the death of you one day, my old padawan."

"It works well for Master Yoda," Qui-Gon defended halfheartedly.

Dooku snorted, almost laughing at that. "My former master will likely be out performing members of the council even when on his death bed," he pointed out before glancing at the crowd of Jedi, young and old, watching and lingering in case there was another match. "But at least we managed to give a live lesson for the padawans and younglings."

"Speaking of which...," Qui-Gon trailed of with a grin towards his own padawan, watching from a nearby distance. "Obi-Wan! Come here," he called waving him over.

Dooku rose an eyebrow as he felt the unease the young Jedi had while approaching. "What exactly is he doing?" he inquired, sensing a good deal of dread from the apprentice.

"Trying to imagine a way this won't end badly for him," Qui-Gon answered in amusement as his student joined them. "Right, Obi-wan?"

"I suppose that stay with the healers is out of the question?" Obi-wan tried with a hint of dryness.

"Do you always dread sparring or am I an exception?" Dooku inquired with curious amusement.

"With all respect, Master Dooku, I have no desire to be thoroughly bested and force-handled by another opponent I have no chance against," Obi-wan opined with a wince. "Still getting the sand out from the last time."

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooWhere stories live. Discover now