/Both Sith Lord's facepalmed over her mistaking the title of Darth for a name./

Outwardly, Palpatine looked to Vader with a curious interest. "A warrior and politician?" he asked in a successful endeavor to sound impressed.

"Politics are not what I would consider my realm of power, but I have seen enough to know a system that is breaking," he answered solemnly.

"A sentiment I share," Sidious agreed honestly with a nod. "Was there some route through this ordeal you both theorized on, or shall I continue?" he inquired, looking to the Queen questioningly.

"None. Lord Vader?" Padme prompted evenly.

"Is the Supreme Chancellor still stunted by falsified rumors of corruption?" Vader questioned knowingly.

"Amazing how quickly that developed once he took office," Palpatine agreed with humorless mirth.

"Are you saying the Chancellor is corrupt or just powerless, Senator Palpatine?" Padme questioned, raising a delicate eyebrow.

"Powerless, I'm afraid, Your Majesty," Sidious assured with a look of resignation. "I fear our best option would be to push for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum, in hopes to elect a new, stronger Chancellor."

Despite the excellent control Padme had over her facial expressions, it wasn't hard to tell she was taken back by the recommendation, even without the Force. "Turn on our strongest supporter?"

"I doubt he will receive it harshly. His final term has less than a year remaining as it is and his popularity, I know, is at an all time low," Vader commented. Growing up looking up to Chancellor Palpatine in many ways, he had researched a bit on Valorum in his youth. Plus he had been curious about the entire Naboo situation that ultimately changed his life forever.

"A...fair assessment," Palpatine hesitantly agreed. All in all, Valorum might be happy to finally be out of his position. But that Vader was not deterring his plan to manipulate the queen was unexpected. He had suspected he'd be trying to use his experience as a senator and being of Naboo himself to keep the Queen from siding against his plan. "The only other recourse would be to take it to the courts, unfortunately."

"My experience on Coruscant may be lacking, Senator, but even I know that would take only longer. I've heard tale of how certain...issues tend to just disappear on paper amongst the courts," Padme stated with an obvious dryness added to her regal tone. "Our people are dying now. We must find a timely solution, not a lengthy one."

Palpatine took on a resigned, apologetic face, shoulders slumping ever so slightly to sell the image. "To be realistic, Your Majesty, I'm afraid we might have to accept Federation control for the time being."

"That is something I cannot do," Padme concluded firmly.

/"Darth Vader,"/ Palpatine and Sidious addressed as one, eyeing the black monolith carefully. "Forgive my curiosity, but how did you come to be aiding my Queen and home?" he inquired curiously, noting the Queen's peaked interest as well. The subject hadn't been broached before then.

"Much in the same manner we made leave of your planet," Vader answered skillfully. "My hyperdrive malfunctioned and I was forced to land on your planet. The damage was to the extent that I wasn't even aware of my location at first. I trekked through the forest briefly before finding Theed being invaded," he elaborated, technically speaking the truth. He just left out the time-traveling...and that he had no idea where his ship was.

"And this just happened to occur during the invasion?" Panaka asked, skeptical despite the trust he felt Vader had earned.

"The Force works in odd ways, Captain, especially the Dark Side," Vader affirmed.

Darth Vader: Hero of NabooWhere stories live. Discover now