Anaxagoras didn't look back to see if I was following a single time. The only time he did look back, was when we arrived. Outside.

We were outside.

I hadn't been outside, not for real, for a long time. It felt weird to see the ground up close again. See the vividness of the flowers and the bright blue sky- not just from my balcony, but from the ground. Anaxagoras had taken me to a garden, and not just any garden. We walked for a long while until we came to a place where nobody else was. There he stopped, turned around, and smiled again. I couldn't help but feel nervous.

He didn't do anything. Only his hand was outreached, and in it, a simple blue box. I guessed that he would stand there like that until I took it. With slight hesitance, I shyly allowed him to place the velvet thing in my palm. Opening it, I found a beautiful golden necklace inside. It had a single blue gemstone on it, and with small letters, the backside of the gem said something that I couldn't understand. Thankfully we have the same alphabet, and I could make out the letters "Anaxagoras". That's his name. I wondered what the necklace said, but couldn't help my smile of awe. He had given me a gift.

"I know you don't understand me, but as I've been saying for these past few weeks, you're a very interesting person Isaac"

He said my name. I looked up as he took the necklace from my hand gently, and immediately blushed when he closed in. His hands slithered around my neck carefully and he locked the necklace in. My eyes were filled with thousands of questions. None of which he could answer.

"One day you will understand me and I will understand you. Then I can tell you just how beautiful you are, Isaac. Stay with me"

"What are you doing?'

It's a completely innocent question. There is no sour or accusing tone in her voice. Instead those big doe eyes of hers shine brightly, and with confusion. Of course, Irene knows what they are doing. The question isn't as much of a question, as it is her saying the only thing she can. For these past two weeks she has learned one thing or another about the language. They focused quite a lot on verbs, and the question "what are you doing?" Is among the very few things she can actually say. Still, she makes sure that the tone is light, so the two girls will know that it's not accusing in any way.

The sad truth is that she'll probably not understand anything they say back.

Irene had been taken on a tour of the temple, and after seeing statues of the goddess Athena she came to the conclusion that this temple really is for the warrior goddess. The young girl was unprepared to take her on the tour, but she still did it, with a level of hesitance. It took a few minutes for the child to understand that Irene couldn't speak their language, but in the end they managed to work something out. Irene got to see the gardens outside, the cafeteria, the offices and a huge library that left her in awe. She had never seen so many books before, all in one place. The biggest sight to see was definitely the training fields.

Young women were fighting each other there. Irene watched with great awe and interest. The warriors looked similar to the guards walking around in the city, with short cut hair and more flexible clothing like pants. They all looked incredibly strong and fought with much might and speed. Some of the girls there stopped fighting when they spotted the outsider walking by. They watched her with glowing eyes, curious expressions and whispers shared to their friends. Rumors about the outsider are spread everywhere in the city. Not a day has passed without hundreds of people mentioning her name and wondering, questioning and theorizing about her. Where is Irene from? What language does she speak? Why is she here? Where is she staying? What is she doing? What will happen now? Will there be more? And so on.

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